How to erase words that get automatically saved by touch screen?


Nov 28, 2010
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If I use my touch screen to type something, I notice it saves some of the things I type and when im typing they pop up at the bottom of the screen. They're not saved in my dictionary, I didn't add them,it just remembered by itself. Anyway to delete these from being remembered and popping up/being precited whenever I type the word/ a similar word.

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Settings> Language & Keyboard settings> look under Text settings and start messing around with them to see if you can find where they're being stored.
The bottom option under language and keyboard is user dictionary. You can delete them from there.

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No that's what im sayin g,they're not in my used dictionary

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If you're typing them, and using them, why are you worried about them showing up later? You use words like Elton John does clothing and throw them out after you've used them once? ;)

What keyboard are you using?
Alright first off i relize this post is 4 year old. But seeing as correct answer hasnt been answered and i was looking recently here it goes.
System settings, account & synch, google, search & now, at the bottom search engine storage. And clear