Installed SD3 5.3 and radio hack won't work


Apr 20, 2010
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I've not used the radio hack that Chevy references in the OP, so I thought I'd give it a go today. I've got the moto help drivers installed and up to date but when I run RadioComm I get nothing, the phone isn't showing up. I've changed USB cables and USB ports on the PC I'm using (which is a win7 64bit machine).

Has anyone else applied the radio hack to the SD3 5.3? Can anyone give me some advice on next steps to troubleshoot?
One thing I'm not sure of, the instructions tell me to "Put the phone in PC Mode". That used to be very simple in GB but I don't know how to do that in ICS. That very well could be my problem.
I don't think u have to radio hack in ics.

I've installed FoxFI and that doesn't work. Is there another tethering app to use for ICS? (I guess I could search a bit more...)
Isn't there an wifi tether app installed. I think its called wifi tether app. Unless Chevy didn't put it on there.

axiom rebirth
Isn't there an wifi tether app installed. I think its called wifi tether app. Unless Chevy didn't put it on there.

axiom rebirth

it's not there. I just installed Barnacle WiFi and it seems to be working. I'm going to test a bit more though, before I put my stamp of approval on it...I don't know how we're getting around the radio hack...if we don't "re-label" those packets Verizon will know we're using tethered data. If Chevy included it in the package I would have expected he would have called that out and removed the reference in the OP to using the radio hack.

I'll test more and report back here.
It looks like it's working but it's not. I am unable to connect any device to my phone via Barnacle. Still looking for a solution.
Johnnyb said:
It looks like it's working but it's not. I am unable to connect any device to my phone via Barnacle. Still looking for a solution.

That's weird I've used most of the pics from they have always worked. I haven't used steel Droid in awhile.

axiom rebirth Droid 3
I'll keep poking around, maybe some body will ready this and have some other idea's as well. Thanks for you thoughts/suggestions.
Try doing it from stock

I haven't gotten tethering to work either (i think my problem is I'm just not using barnacle wifi right) but in any case i'm using safestrap and just went back to stock temporarily, connected in pc mode, did the hack, then went back to steel droid. That may be the way to do it.