Internet not working on Cyanogenmod 7.1.0 anymore.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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My internet used to work fine when I first installed this rom and for months afterward. I also had done the mod which stops verizon throttling.
Recently, I noticed the internet isnt working. I get facebook notifications in my status bar, but when I tap them, the facebook app doesnt load the content. The browser also does not load any pages except for the home page - Google - even googles searches or other urls do not load, so perhaps the home page is just loading out of a cache or something.

My tethering app used to work fine, but now when I connect my laptop to my phone through the wifi tether, my laptop cannot load pages either. I guess this is because the phone's internet doesn't work.

What's causing this? has there been a change at verizon to block people who did the throttle mod maybe?

I can't remember the hack I used to bypass throttling. I believe it was called Nitro-something.

Any help is appreciated. :happy3: