[ROM] Liberty 3 - the Eagle soars again!

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How can I install this from CM7 latest nightly?

And if I wanted to go back after trying it out to CM7... would I have to go through all the SFB'ing and such again?
I came from CM7 to Liberty 3 using the method I wrote in Post #67 of this thread.


Just make sure to do a nandroid backup in recovery before doing anything, then if you decide to go back to CM it'll just be a matter of restoring.

ah too lazy to do all that ;) thanks though, i skimmed through the posts and must have missed that one.

im failry happy with CM7 i just havent tried liberty GB at all yet. i would definitely give it a whirl if it didnt involve SFB'ing and the like.
Are you coming from CM7 froyo or revs gb Nightlies? If from revs Nightlies, just wipe and install liberty. No need to sbf.

If on froyo tho, you'll have to sbf to get the ota and then install liberty. It's not that bad tho.
i am definitely on one of the latest nightlies. however i know i did SFB back to .340 before initially installing CM7, i dont know if that still means i'm on froyo (probably?).
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Probably. You would know off you were on revs Nightlies built off the ota gb.
I will check it out then, i am trying to let a few get developed so i can do em all at once lol
You don't have to sbf to come from 0.9 you just wont have the latest radio. I just wiped dalvik cache when installing and its been fine the past 3 days. I upgraded via toolbox pro.

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Stuck at activation, corners not working

Firstly, thanks for all your hard work, I love Liberty ROM!

I just came from Liberty 0.8, did a factory reset/data wipe, wiped cache, installed from SD.
Everything appears to be working fine, except I'm stuck at the activation screen.
Yes I have already tried both swiping and tapping the corners from top-left to bottom-left, in a clockwise motion.
I've tried wiping again and doing another install, still can't get past activation.
I've never had any problems getting past activation on previous versions, and am using the same gesture. Any ideas?
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Hi There,
I have not been keeping up for a few months. I know I am tired of gb.9
I am a donator and have liberty tb.
Do I just need to wipe and install l3?

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New nightly released.. Liberty3X-1.0Gold! The "upgrade" went without a hitch! The customizer is back!
Where is this new nightly?

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ROM Toolbox/ROM Manager/Liberty 3 (Liberty 3 v 1.0)

or here if you want to download the ROM manually
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Is this only for the X, cause I'm not seeing it here on my d2. I'll check again
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