Motorola customer support slipping?


Editor in Chief
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Premium Member
Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
There seems to be a rash of customer complaints against Motorola lately. Apparently, Motorola is not honoring their one year warranties in some instances when a replacement device becomes necessary. Apparently, they are offering the excuse that they no longer have any stock of replacement devices so they are not able to replace customer devices that have completely failed (even within the first year of warranty).

Could it be that Lenovo is behind these new support snafus? Be sure to sound off and let us know what you think. Here's the report on the subject: Customers report Motorola support doesn't honor warranties
Wow. Motorola ...(correction)..Lenovo needs to get on that. Last thing people need to be hearing is that the manufacturer is slipping with warranty and support. With HTC falling down the ladder and Huawei climbing up, Motorola could find themselves where they were a few years ago looking up at everyone else. Didn't Motorola catch heat a few months ago for back tracking on their promise to update certain devices?

Looks like Lenovo could be destroying all the goodwill that Googorola built up.
Thanks Johnny but I blame VZW for 95% of the issue that I am having.
If they would have said, at any time in the last month, that I should go thru Moto, I'm betting it would have worked out better.

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