Next Phone to Replace My D4

What should replace my Droid 4?

  • LG G3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moto Droid Maxx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LG Enact

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
South Dakota
Please point me to a current thread if anyone has suggestion where this is already being discussed by current D4 or former D4 owners. Thank you! (Search has not been my friend on this topic, closest thing I keep landing on is, "what device did you come from?" vs. "what device are you moving to now?"...

Had Samsung SCH-i760 (WinMo), Motorola Droid 2 R2-D2 A957, and now Moto Droid 4 XT894 that is accelerating through its slow death just in time for Christmas. How convenient?!

So what should I get to replace the Droid 4 on Verizon?

I'm considering LG G3, Samsung Galaxy S4, Moto Droid Maxx, or LG Enact, from Verizon or eBay. I'm heavily dependent upon the physical QWERTY keyboard (have always had it built-in) because I do remote computer support for clients directly from my phone, so the screen needs to be a screen not eclipsed by on-screen touch keyboard or the remote computer screen I'm viewing gets ridiculously small while typing.

I switched from Droid 2 to Droid 4 at just the right time & only had to pay for the activation fee, having clung to my Droid 2 R2-D2 long enough to be out of contract, capitalizing on the discount for Droid 4 clearance etc, but I'm currently at "Discounted upgrade available on 09/18/2015" within my D4 2-year contract, unless VZW will switch my wife's upgrade eligibility (05/04/2014) to my line for an early upgrade discount. The budget decision will take into account that all my Moto-branded D4 accessories will be useless for any of those phones I'm browsing about right now, but the phones I listed are in close price ranges: $0 - $50 if purchased on VZW subsidized contract pricing, or I'll hunt for best bundle on eBay if that's the best way to go.

If you're willing to share some insight, please let me know your thoughts. Here's the features wishlist:

  • I especially prefer a hardware keyboard, but Samsung GS4 has several accessory vendors making detachable bluetooth keyboard cases (a point in favor of that model right there), and I do have a Logitech K400 wireless that works fine with a USB-to-micro OTG adapter cable if I need a full-size keyboard but don't want to startup my HP netbook at the time.
  • I use battery life a lot, usually depleting the battery charge almost completely by lunchtime, and have replaced my D4 battery 3 times already with extended-life generic batteries (most recently a long drive from Texas to South Dakota last spring seems to have cooked my D4's ability to keep a decent charge, and of course the battery swelled from windshield sun exposure & had to be replaced again). So the MAXX series from Moto, or the replaceable battery feature of LG or Samsung GS4 would give me options to keep the phone powered up without carrying chargers all the time.
  • Car dock compatibility. I unlock my car & dock my phone, then when I get out of the car, I undock my phone & lock my car: call it the lock'n'dock maneuver. It's just a habit now. I want my hands on the steering wheel when I drive, and by far the D4 Moto Nav Dock with integrated USB+audio cable has been a much-appreciated accessory feature up to this point. Now I'm considering a bluetooth audio auxiliary receiver if the next phone doesn't have line-out audio at the USB port like this D4 does, and maybe that would be better anyway considering how the docking procedure wears out the USB port on the phone, let alone replacing strained cables breaking down from constant use... Bluetooth audio can be added to my car when I don't want to use the new phone's headphone jack anymore. But having the dock function for automatic driving/navigation mode is really handy for me. If my new phone has a compatible dock that mounts to my existing ProClip base mount, all the better!
  • I have a 32GB MicroSDHC card in my Droid 4. The LG & Samsung models I'm shopping do each show they have compatible MicroSD slot built in, but the Moto Droid Maxx doesn't. The card has music and movies stored on it so it's not crucial to my business, just handy for entertainment without sacrificing internal memory on the phone. I guess I could always use the OTG/USB adapter to attach a card reader if really necessary.

I know I'm picky, and I expect a lot from my smartphone at any given moment. I have to rely on my smartphone throughout the business day. I've been a Moto fan for quite a while, but the brand has a few strikes against it when I add up features I think I'd miss. I'll be backing up and resetting my phone to factory settings in the meantime to see if the software can be toned down enough to let the hardware last a little while longer. I have simply worn this device out. It's having trouble simply acting as a phone; that's why I'm shopping.

Thanks again for any helpful input. Please tell me what you do or don't like about the phone you bought when upgrading from your old Droid 4, too. Owner bias & opinion is welcomed. :D
You can get a really good deal on an S4 on Swappa. It does not have the physical keyboard, but it does have the MicroSD and you can get a ZeroLemon extended battery for it that will last you all day with screen on. All day.

The LG G3 is a nice phone especially in that they packed that screen into a small body. The screen was just too dark for me to justify owning it since I am usually in sunny places. It also does not have the physical keyboard.
You can get a really good deal on an S4 on Swappa. It does not have the physical keyboard, but it does have the MicroSD and you can get a ZeroLemon extended battery for it that will last you all day with screen on. All day.

Thanks, Ollie! I actually have a bluetooth magnetic detachable keyboard/case on the way from eBay already this week as I had intended to gift my stepmom with this accessory for her new S4. It turns out she may not be interested in physical keyboard after all even though she had said she couldn't live without one she had depended on for so long on previous Samsung basic phone that was falling apart. So... I may have already made my decision then to match that keyboard to a new S4 of my own, right? :)K

I'm hunting down accessories to make my move from the Droid 4 (I have home docks, car docks, cases, cables, screen protectors, etc. that will stay with the D4 when I hand it down as a toy for our boys someday). If anybody else has extra suggestions or an opinion for the poll, chime in! Thanks again.
Once she gets used to the onscreen keyboard she will soon forget about the physical one. Turn on the haptic feedback for the keyboard and she should feel right at home. There should also be a T9 keyboard setup option as well if she prefers that layout.
I ordered the Samsung GS4 just now, from VZW with an applied discount that means my only up-front cost is the VZW $30 upgrade fee. That allows me to order the accessories I want from Amazon (I've been filling a shopping cart there already in anticipation). I'm waiting on the battery upgrade as I'll be able to add that later as soon as I need it (thanks for the pointer, Ollie!), but I will be ordering at least 4 goodies today to complement my new phone. I can post the shopping list if anyone's interested.

Also, if anyone has links to share in the forums on favorite accessories for the Galaxy S4, especially any former Droid 4 owners that migrated to the GS4, I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!