Post Your Last Purchase

This is easy, lol.

I'm at work, can't use my camera, get fired for that!

But on my way in I stopped and picked up a viper remote car starter for a Christmas present for my step-mom.
To go with my last posted purchase


And 2 car chargers. .80 cents each on amazon. I did this with my old phone. It lasted a few months. So i picked up 2 this time for the droid.

Now i just need a case.
Turbo Tax for a given tax year is only good for that year. You need to buy the package for the tax year you're working on.That's because each year's tax return is considered unique from year to year, and developing software that is forward compatible for future tax years is not cost-effective.
new toy for work....

didnt really need it but couldnt turn the deal down.

its a Garmin Marine Chartplotter with XM News and Weather built in.

2500 of them :)