[ROM] TWO roms?? This guy's crazy!

just reporting feedback. running focused 1 for about 5 days with red incognito( clear sliders are awesome) 1 minor glitch battery manager force closes when trying to view stats . Other than that its a bad mofo

This is a known issue. If you look at the 3rd (??) post of the Focsued 1.0 thread, it's listed. No known fix for the FC. In fact, Moto has admitted that they are aware of the issue as well:
I loved Blurry and will be excited to check out the new version. I have one complaint. Why does everyone use ADW in there ROMs and not LPP =( Someone give us LPP peeps some love plz =)
New blurry

Haha, i managed to try and flash that update in the short amount of time it was up. Obviously it failed, but desire for the new version lives on. I'm really looking forward to a new blurry rom. 0.3 is so fast and i'm glad ADW is going to be an option. I, for one, didn't mind the blur stuff, except the slowish launcher and the bloat. I hope you don't remove too much, as I want to be able to use hdmi, dlna, and... maybe the blur widgets, i don' tknow what else there was in blur. Just make sure you take all the social messaging crap out.

on another note, (and i'm sure i'd do better asking the lcd density guy) why does the calendar widget (the one with the task list, that never loads) work at increased density on some roms and not others? I believe it worked in focused, but doesn't work in blurry...

Anyway, thanks for the great roms.

the density.. no idea.

ADW now supports motorola widgets and widget resizing, so that will be a seperate option. As far as I see it, hdmi isn't blur, just only integrated in the blur gallery. hdmi is codeable, i'm trying :) The way I have it planned, it may not be fully for the first release, but it will be within days after tops, is there will be a rom for one specific blur action if thats what the user wants. Remember, its just hopes, but if I cant get exactly that going, it will be something very similar, since rubiX Focused is now completely blurless, and (very very soon, thanks to help from a few devs) it will be complete aosp, I will not officially release, nor support a "blur" patch in on it.

The way I see it, you can have blur as much or little as you want, then a rom with absolutely no blur available.

What do you guys think of my new "vision" for blurry and focused? :)
Any idea of when the new blurry release will be out?
Lol figures! Still pretty new to this but am good with directions so feel comfortable doing this. Downloaded the blurred version, read through the entire thread and find out Drod is working on a new version. Now to decide: wait or install then update. Pretty excited to try out my first ROM!
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I loved Blurry and will be excited to check out the new version. I have one complaint. Why does everyone use ADW in there ROMs and not LPP =( Someone give us LPP peeps some love plz =)

The main reason I use ADW over LP is performance. ADW is much quicker. There literally is no comparison, period.

The only advantage that LP has over ADW is for the paid version of LP having custom widgets. Personally, I only use the power bar, music and beautiful widgets so that doesn't interest me.

I hope that answers your question. :icon_ banana:
I loved Blurry and will be excited to check out the new version. I have one complaint. Why does everyone use ADW in there ROMs and not LPP =( Someone give us LPP peeps some love plz =)

The main reason I use ADW over LP is performance. ADW is much quicker. There literally is no comparison, period.

The only advantage that LP has over ADW is for the paid version of LP having custom widgets. Personally, I only use the power bar, music and beautiful widgets so that doesn't interest me.

I hope that answers your question. :icon_ banana:

Thanks...it does. Guess ill need to check out ADW again
Ok. Got it installed. Only thing effed up was the part of the install where it said "select yes". I didnt see a yes selection. Instead i was at update.zip which is 928's black glass deodexxer theme. Which I recall reading in an earlier post in this thread was ok to install, and which I was going to put on this anyway but just wanted to run it standard at first. Some things I notice are I have the rubix cube at boot but no animation. Was that removed? Also under my settings "about phone" it doesn't say "Rubix 0.3" under build. Instead it just has VZW. Is that normal or did something not install correctly? Also I still have all the bloat: car dock, amazon mp3, etc.
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Ok. Got it installed. Only thing effed up was the part of the install where it said "select yes". I didnt see a yes selection. Instead i was at update.zip which is 928's black glass deodexxer theme. Which I recall reading in an earlier post in this thread was ok to install, and which I was going to put on this anyway but just wanted to run it standard at first. Some things I notice are I have the rubix cube at boot but no animation. Was that removed? Also under my settings "about phone" it doesn't say "Rubix 0.3" under build. Instead it just has VZW. Is that normal or did something not install correctly? Also I still have all the bloat: car dock, amazon mp3, etc.

I unzipped a different version of rubiX and grabbed the bootanimation.zip out of it and placed it on my SD card. Then I copied it in Root Explorer and put it in system/media. In order to delete the old one you have to hit the "mount R/W" button in the top right of Root Explorer when you get into system/media. Delete old, paste new, and make sure to hit the "mount R/O" in top right before backing out. It should read R/W before exiting. Then restart.

I'm not responsible for your phone, this is just what I did.

And the programs Cardock and Amazon MP3 are from 928's BGX Theme.
Ok. Got it installed. Only thing effed up was the part of the install where it said "select yes". I didnt see a yes selection. Instead i was at update.zip which is 928's black glass deodexxer theme. Which I recall reading in an earlier post in this thread was ok to install, and which I was going to put on this anyway but just wanted to run it standard at first. Some things I notice are I have the rubix cube at boot but no animation. Was that removed? Also under my settings "about phone" it doesn't say "Rubix 0.3" under build. Instead it just has VZW. Is that normal or did something not install correctly? Also I still have all the bloat: car dock, amazon mp3, etc.

I assume you're installing Blurry?
If you still have all the stuff, it didn't install correctly... (?).

I would give it another go... Were there any errors or anything? Could have been a bad download, that's the first thing that I would check...
Ok. Got it installed. Only thing effed up was the part of the install where it said "select yes". I didnt see a yes selection. Instead i was at update.zip which is 928's black glass deodexxer theme. Which I recall reading in an earlier post in this thread was ok to install, and which I was going to put on this anyway but just wanted to run it standard at first. Some things I notice are I have the rubix cube at boot but no animation. Was that removed? Also under my settings "about phone" it doesn't say "Rubix 0.3" under build. Instead it just has VZW. Is that normal or did something not install correctly? Also I still have all the bloat: car dock, amazon mp3, etc.

I assume you're installing Blurry?
If you still have all the stuff, it didn't install correctly... (?).

I would give it another go... Were there any errors or anything? Could have been a bad download, that's the first thing that I would check...

Yes sir blurry. So I could use the black glass theme without a lot of extra removals, etc. Wasnt my intention to install right away, just a screw up on my part. And I thought about that after I posted, that some of that stuff may have re-installed with the theme. I'll try a new download and install. Thanks for all the help guys! Out of all the tech forums I've visited over the years this one has to be the best!

Additional: there were no errors at install and everything seems to be working fine, but just so I know: after install the step that says "select yes"...I didn't see that, or do I just hit back and reboot? Like I said it just had me at the update.zip and just assumed that was what I was supposed to do. This is my first rom install! ;)

2nd add on: I believe I jogged my own memory: that would be "yes-this cannot be undone". Re installing now.
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Reinstalled. Showing Rubix 0.3 in the build, and everything running smooth. Still no omg! animation at startup but meh I'll worry about that later. Just going to give this a run to make sure no problems then reinstall 928's theme! I forgot how lame stock looks compared to it!!
Reinstalled. Showing Rubix 0.3 in the build, and everything running smooth. Still no omg! animation at startup but meh I'll worry about that later. Just going to give this a run to make sure no problems then reinstall 928's theme! I forgot how lame stock looks compared to it!!

For boot animation, try installing this .zip.
Just boot back to recovery, and load .zip from SDCard. Don't wipe data or cache or anything, just load the .zip. Let me know if that fixes the animation.. thanks!

Edit: Link added.. bleh.
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Reinstalled. Showing Rubix 0.3 in the build, and everything running smooth. Still no omg! animation at startup but meh I'll worry about that later. Just going to give this a run to make sure no problems then reinstall 928's theme! I forgot how lame stock looks compared to it!!

For boot animation, try installing this .zip.
Just boot back to recovery, and load .zip from SDCard. Don't wipe data or cache or anything, just load the .zip. Let me know if that fixes the animation.. thanks!

Edit: Link added.. bleh.

Fixed thanks! Looks very awesome! One other thing I found was my wallpapers are in a folder under sd card/Rubix Wallpapers. Nothing shows up when I go settings wallpapers. The slider bar to preview the wallpapers? They're all black. No preview. And they were like that since
the install.
Ok, reapplied the Black Glass theme and everything running good. Wallpapers fixed. Under "about phone" it's showing "VZW" under build again. Can anyone running BG theme on blurry 0.3 confirm the same? Still have the Rubix startup animation so assuming it has to do with the theme?
Ok, reapplied the Black Glass theme and everything running good. Wallpapers fixed. Under "about phone" it's showing "VZW" under build again. Can anyone running BG theme on blurry 0.3 confirm the same? Still have the Rubix startup animation so assuming it has to do with the theme?

If you still have the downloaded zip file... You can confirm if this is the case by opening the .zip file, and looking to see if the file /<zip file>/system/build.prop exists in this theme.
IF it does, it will overwrite the build version with VZW. It will also overwrite a number of tweaks made.. which is BAD.

Black Glass was really designed for install on a stock phone... evidently. It's pretty, but you're losing some of the optimizations made to the build.prop, framework-res, and lots of the apps (the ones that are themed, and replaced by the theme)... by using BlackGlass... *sigh*. I have tons of respect for those devs that create themes.. just too bad they're replacing way more than necessary to try to make things look pretty. :S