Screenshots of Cyanogen Mod Themes

i cant sleep its sucks being up i been playing tosss it pro for like ahour that game is so awesome
ya all you do is throw crumbled up paperballs at a trash can but the kicker is theres a fan blowing in the room
Quite possibly the most addicting game on the market! Also the ladybug game is as well. I got to level 84 did a factory reset and it sent me back to level one. There are 85 levels in the game. I have not had the motivation to start over yet!
ya i had a couple grand in garden of weeden and did the same thing and lost my money eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Believe it or not, I got everything mostly done just like his. And I wasn't a fan at the end, so I flashed back to my Nandroid of Nextheme.

Ha!...yeah it is kind of a allot of work...I am a nut about themeing. I have tried most of the different themes...sometimes it works sometimes it does not
I like has allot of personality. Nice work

thanks. :)

as much as i appreciate everyones work on themes (wouldnt have anything without them), i find it best to put together what i like as i find it. since no one could ever make one that fits everyone perfectly, i just used nextheme as the starting point and went from there..

I'm loving this one. Finally found a theme I can stick with for a while. I just wish it was more Cyan and less greenish.

Love that clock/weather which one is that?
Droid koush CM 507.1 with Manup456 DroTang beta theme (the creator of NexTheme)

I set the notification colors as I wanted, but I'm pretty stripped down actually. Running beautiful widgets 2.998 with digital glass skin I think it was called.
Launcher is ADW newest version in market.
In the notify pull down you can see the test group only beta of juice defender 1.5.5 (rocks, seems to have some sort of root cyanogen mod helper so that it can do cdma toggle of apn... it's been a big issue for the app since 2.1. I'm seeing 2.22x increase in battery life so far :) )
and of course setcpu.

I like it, only thing that bugs me a little is the background text is slightly off too much so the g is just about cut off. author knows and i think is fixing in updated version.

ok lets see if i can get pictures on here lol.