Screenshots of Cyanogen Mod Themes

Those that need more room

Dont know if any of you tried it but ultimate fav's is nice it takes up one icon on your desktop and pops up a carasel not sure how its spelled. you can put many icons in it. If you get the paid version you can make more than 1 caasel to the one icon link. Once its open you spin the caracell to get to what you want to load. If you want to change carecells just swipe up and down. works really well can make the backgorund when its poped up almost transparent or solid colors. try it I like it when im not using sweeter home just too keep things a bit organized. can say make a game/apps/tools caracell.

try it out its in the market.
MAD450R, I need that calendar on the previous page. I'm looking for one that is one month, transparent, either no border, or a faint border.

Also, for anyone else who can answer this - I'm looking for a better keyboard. I saw one somewhere that I fell in love with. Its red letters on black, looks 3D with the red letters seeming to be under glass or something. Just don't know where I saw it now.

Stacy A
im using Jorte

its int he market free. It let me go transparent on BBv1.1, but in froyo that option mention crashes settings for, you can set it to black though.
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as for keyboard

search the market since you cant remember the name
or use the HTC build your own for froyo it has to be the latest version 26
You have to signup but its free and you can make as many as you like.
I've made many celtics, honda, superman, bruins, Redsox and im sure im forgetting more