Thanks for the help. Found it and it was exactly what I was looking for.
HW Video Codes (in progress) means the on board video camera doesn't work yet and the developer's are working on it. As far as what video does and doesn't work ; youtube works but sometimes a little wonky and videos you have on sdcard work and videos like Netflix some people have said don't work.

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Thank you! I have been running this now for a couple days and am overall enjoying it.

How do I "upgrade" to new versions? Do I have to start fresh? Or is there a way to 'update' without having to redownload & set up every app and re-set up every OS setting?
Thank you! I have been running this now for a couple days and am overall enjoying it.

How do I "upgrade" to new versions? Do I have to start fresh? Or is there a way to 'update' without having to redownload & set up every app and re-set up every OS setting?

its always best to wipe and start over but me personally i just install the new ones right over top of what i have and just wipe cache and dalvic cache and i have never had problems however if there is a major part of the system that is updated u may want to just wipe everything and start fresh to make sure all the new changes happen
I've read on the differences between AOSP and AOKP, but as far as stability / battery life, which seems to be generally better? or are they about the same?
Y'all probably noticed that Google apps for our ICS build has been updated a few times, most recently to 20120429:

Goo.im Downloads - Browsing gapps

I also see that there was some major AOKP news (new version?) recently -- @krazyace38, any news on whether the updates have made it to AOKP for D3? I'm finding the changelog in the OP harder and harder to decipher, and haven't seen any major updates elsewhere.

Anyone else having an issue with the 5/1 and 5/2 builds? I keep getting "android.process.acore has stopped" I did try clearing the cache out for both contacts and contacts storage with no luck.

I also tried wiping everything and starting fresh with no luck either, nightly build 4/30 doesn't seem to have the issue so I'm back there for now.
I was having the same issue with the 5/2 nightly. I had not installed the 5/1 nightly. I'm back to 4/30 and everything works.
I'm on the 4/30 nightly and am experiencing gps issues as well as my phone will no longer scan barcodes / qr codes. Any ideas about these? I did a full /data /system /dalvik wipe before flashing to this rom
Is this fixed yet as of the 5/6 nightly?

I believe so, i think the first nightly i noticed that the error was gone was 5/4. 5/6 nightly should be fine to use, at least I hope so because I'm flashing it right now :)
this rom deleted all my backups on titainium and my keyboard will not light up anymore can someone help with keyboard light?