Signal Issues Fixed!


Jan 10, 2010
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I have been a vociferous critic of the Note 3's shortcomings as a communication device. Verizon replaced my first one and signal still sucked. I was skeptical of another Samsung product but, with a business account, I have 30 days to return my new Note 4. It will NOT be going back. My biggest problem was an area where I hunt and since I often hunt alone being able to communicate can be critical. In this particular area the Note 3 had ZERO signal. No 1x, no voice, no text. I checked yesterday with my new Note 4 in the exact same spot and I had -103db of 4G. Not only was there perfect reception for voice and text but also I easily, and quickly, could check email and go on line.
The range of bluetooth connectivity was somewhat better with the Note 3 but I am still experimenting with that. As far as the core function of being first a communication device, the Note 4, so far (and in my experience) is light years ahead of the Note 3.
Verizon and other carriers do often realign their towers to improve signal in weaker areas and to reduce signal that is wasted over oversaturate areas. They also continually try to improve coverage by adding new towers, even micro cells such as those on the corners of task buildings, the typos of telephone poles, and even in church spires as the did near me recently.

Is it possible that they may have recently done such maintenance in the areas you hunt? Do you still have the Note 3 to compare?

I had poor, but not atrociously terrible service with an S4 in the past and it was the same with several replacements. I eventually went back to my old favorite for radio communication, Motorola.
I compared my Note 4 side by side with my old S4 (same generation as the Note 3 at least) since I gave it to my girlfriend when I upgraded.

At her mom's house, signal is very sketchy, but I had a few bars of 4g with the N4 sitting right beside the S4 that was lucky to pick up 1 bar of 3g.
I don't think so. I tried the Note 3 there the week before Thanksgiving with the results as I indicated. Not wanting to hunt w/o communication the next time I went (later the same week) I put my sim card into my old Razr Maxx and was able to get some 3 G (4G would come and go). There was clearly something wrong with the Note 3s I had but the Note 4 is even better than the Razr Maxx. I should be up there again this weekend and I'll take all 3 phones and swap the sim cards for a side by side by side comparison.
I've had a Note 3 for almost two years and I like the features and UI but the radio really sucks. I have put up with it too long. I get no service where I live. I pay Verizon the same as people who get a million bars of 4g. I got so mad I ordered a Nexus 6. The N6 gets maybe two bars of 4g so I know it is possible but I don't care for the N6. I am happy to see that Samsung has fixed the radio (if they really have). Verizon says I have to wait till the return of the N6 is finalized before I can get the N4.
I hope it's true that the N4 will work here at home.
Does anyone know for sure whether Samsung addressed this issue and made the radio (cell net connection) better?
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