So, any speaker volume fixes yet?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
My phone is updated, but the speaker volume still sounds pretty quiet. Any remedies yet? Volume+ doesn't seem to be compatible.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Whew - glad to hear it's not just me. I also thought it was pretty quiet. Will have to check back periodically to see if there is a good app or software fix for it
Yeah, hopefully there is a solution for this.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I would also like to be in the loop on this. Speaker is weak.

But, I do realize I came from a D1 and that speaker jammed. Gnex speaker just seems real quiet to me. You think something involved with software can improve it?
Only thing I really have found to work is basically find a different ringtone/notification sound on an app and put it in. Sounds a lot louder than the ones that came on the phone.
mine seems to be all over the place. netflix is quiet, pandora is not too bad, Can barely hear my notifications (I'm sitting next to my phone and only notice messages because of the light). I haven't tried any music yet since i'm still trying to figure out why usb transfer is painfully slow.
Yeah the USB transfer is really bad. Takes forever for pics

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