Sound off if you are still rooting for HTC


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Premium Member
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Here at HQ we are still hoping that HTC can get back in the smartphone game in a big way. They used to be one of the best Android OEMs on the planet and they can still be great again. Plus, it would be great to have more Android competitors in the market to help drive innovation.

Let us know if you are still rooting for HTC and what you think of their chances.
I'll always root for them. Not sure if they can ever get me away from my Note series but I would love to see them succeed.

Note 4tified
Same here. I really do root for them. I'd get their phones but their small batteries and subpar cameras stop me from doing so.
I've got a special place in my heart for htc. I'd never heard of them until I got the G1, my first android phone. That will always keep them special to me and I most certainly hope they can turn things around.

Like you guys have already said, they haven't really impressed me with their devices in quite a long time, but I'd love it if they stick around.

I know the market is saturated, but as the industry shifts like it's doing right now, I hate to see a company like htc forced to fold. The market isn't what it used to be.
HTC has some great build quality, look at the aluminum phone trend that you could argue they started. They just can't seem to piece together a complete package. I'm hoping they get back in the game, Sense was one of the only manufacturer skins I actually liked, and their recent phones all perform well.
I would love for them to not only succeed, but also for them to finally release a phone that will convert me.

Competition is good.
I'm always rooting for competition. Just lately HTC have been...well like the competition at all. But hey even the niners get lucky every now and the head coach make a bonehead move and not going for 2.
