[THEME] Black Juice Ginger RED!!!

I believe he is talking about this. I hadn't even paid attn to that.


DX~rubiX Focused 1.9.7~BJ Ginger Red~1.45GHz SULV via DF app
Oh, gotcha Ill fix that blue icon now. As for the lockscreen Its supposed to be green, I never changed those. The call button I should be able to fix, ill take a look at the files now.

** UPDATE - Fixed Sliders (red now), also fixed blue icon to red, dialer should be red also. I cant upload from work (proxy blocks it) Ill upload the file tonight when I get home!

Thanks for the bugs and screen shots, appreciate it!
Great! Thanks again for your diligence in satisfying us.

DX~rubiX Focused 1.9.7~BJ Ginger Red~1.45GHz SULV via DF app
Co thanks for the updates juoce. If you need screenshots of anything else pm me ill send em. Ill be onthis on my phone pretty much all night.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Updated DL link with fixed version!

Thanks for the quick updates bro. I hope you guys/gals are supporting Juiceman's every drink habits. :)



DX~rubiX Focused 1.9.7~BJ Ginger Red~1.45GHz SULV via DF app
Will this work with any rom? Also what about on a D1 ?

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Updated OP with Screenshots (thanks guys!) and a fresh download link, if you haven't downloaded this theme since last night, you're not on the Final build!!!
Yo Juice...can you get me that red Android wallpaper? Or point me where to get it? I have the Green one but red will just be right my alley. Thanks.
Yo Juice...can you get me that red Android wallpaper? Or point me where to get it? I have the Green one but red will just be right my alley. Thanks.

Send me your green one and Ill make it red, I did that in photo shop, that was actually your SS you sent me lol
Yo Juice...can you get me that red Android wallpaper? Or point me where to get it? I have the Green one but red will just be right my alley. Thanks.

Send me your green one and Ill make it red, I did that in photo shop, that was actually your SS you sent me lol

Yeah, I just realized that...lol! I have CS 5 but haven't played around with it much. I'll PM you in one min with it.
Yo Juice...can you get me that red Android wallpaper? Or point me where to get it? I have the Green one but red will just be right my alley. Thanks.

Send me your green one and Ill make it red, I did that in photo shop, that was actually your SS you sent me lol

Yeah, I just realized that...lol! I have CS 5 but haven't played around with it much. I'll PM you in one min with it.

Sounds good