Verizon warning while tethering

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Feb 4, 2011
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Ok so Im running Liberty Gingerbread and I can't get either Barnacle or Wireless tether to work. I see the mobile hotpot settings and I try that and it connects. I used it a couple of times over the last 2 days. Today I go to tether and I am online for maybe 30 seconds when a message comes up from Verizon asking me to sign up for mobile hotpot at 20.00 a month. I cannot surf at all. I closed it down and reopened,same thing
happened hmmmm. How can I get back to using Barnacle or wireless tether? Anyone else have this happen? Am I missing something? I don't remember reading any warnings or issues about the built in wifi hotpot. Does this mean im now on "The list". Are guys dressed in Black waiting for me at my house?

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haha, (the list). Yup probly so. You, me, and the countless others who tried on gb. If you wanna tether again you will have to go back to froyo or wait for a fix (wich may never come btw) they are cracking down on theft of wireles tether.
Also even if you go back to froyo and tether with ease, be weary that since they have you (marked) they may send you a nice suprise in the mail in the form of you owe us $, throtteling or cancellation.

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Happened to me on Wireless Tether. PDANet still works fine though.
Not good. Wireless tether runs but my tablet can't seem to get an IP address. Man that is 2 strikes against GB (vulkano wont work either) bummer. I am loving the battery life but no wifi tethering? Ouch

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Happened to me on Wireless Tether. PDANet still works fine though.

You got the warning using the app wireless tether? Pda net, is that through bluetooth?

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Yep. Get the warning every time I try to connect using Wireless Tether now.

I take it as they don't like me to tether without charging my phone. I will abide by their rules. dancedroid
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Wow. I was just reading an article this morning about how iphone is easier to track tethering because it routes through a dedicated server but not android. What!!!!?

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Because the unlimited data you pay for is intended for your device. Tethering is a different story entirely and is more costly for them to provide and is also fairly taxing on the network. That's why they charge for it, and why they are upset about people working their way around a pay wall.

tappin and a talkin
God. Can we please avoid yet another moral debate. Please? Amen.
Meh, I will just utilize TTorrent and download Linux ISO's while I sleep from this point onward if they want to ban my extremely light couple times a month wireless tethering. :D
Its not really a moral debate. go to an all you can eat buffet, does your whole family get to eat for the $6 lunch special? No. Unlimited data for your mobile device does not equate to unlimited data for your mobile device and your pc and your xbox etc. I'm not passing judgement, simply stating a fact.

tappin and a talkin
God. Can we please avoid another analogy war? Please? Amen.
You have disarmed me with your wit and I concede...

tappin and a talkin
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