VZW Upgrades


Mar 12, 2010
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For those of you who follow Droid-Life, disregard this.

For those of you who don't....

Verizon seems to be pushing their "top-tier" phones on us towards the end of this year. So, what they've gone and done is allowed for customers to receive upgrades sooner than they should. For example, I was supposed to have an upgrade in April, but as of about 6 minutes ago, I have an upgrade available right now. Kinda stoked. Figured I'd let you all know.
Same here. I didn't have my line upgrade until April, but actually a couple weeks ago when I logged in I noticed that I can upgrade now. I also got a text alert from them yesterday, although I'm not sure it was legit, since the call back number was not one that's on VZWs website.
Is that on the primary line only?

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Good day to have an upgrade. I'm literally insane with happiness. :p
Is that on the primary line only?

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No, actually. It was my father's. He wasn't available for an upgrade until May, but he has his upgrade now, and said I could use it. :icon_ lala:
Ok We have 3 upgrades in Jan I'll see if they are available now.

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I think a lot of people r unaware that u can upgrade early for $20 bucks, u don't get ur new every 2 discount if ur in a contract and soon to get one but this has been going on for 6 months atleast if this is what ur talking about.

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I think a lot of people r unaware that u can upgrade early for a $20 bucks, u don't get ur new every 2 discount if u in a contract and soon to get one but this has been going on for 6 months atleast if this is what ur talking about.

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Oh I am not sure if that's why I'm getting it or not. I just log in my account and it shows and upgrade along with a $30 credit discount for some reason lol. It was by chance I saw it as I was paying my bill. Either way I hope it stays that way until the end of the year as I may be jumping ship on my D3 and getting the Nexus.....but haven't decided until I have one in my hand to check out.
Oh I am not sure if that's why I'm getting it or not. I just log in my account and it shows and upgrade along with a $30 credit discount for some reason lol. It was by chance I saw it as I was paying my bill. Either way I hope it stays that way until the end of the year as I may be jumping ship on my D3 and getting the Nexus.....but haven't decided until I have one in my hand to check out.

Ic well that's gd news and what I'm talking about could be something totally different. I didn't know it could be done when I found out. I found out back in late June cause I had asked a VZW rep and they told me (at the time was waiting for the Bionic). Well on my verizon app where it has the bar graph for ur upgrade, it said I had 4 months left but above the bar graph it said (yes, based on your current plan you are elgible to upgrade) this was about 16 months into my 2yr contract.

So let me break it down.
In June (16 months on contract) I could upgrade for $20 bucks.
In October (20 months on contract) I was elgible for my $50 NE2 discount which is normal
In February 2012 (24 months on contract) contract ends

So people that is far into their 2yr contract needs to check for sure.

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So how exactly do you get a store to allow you to upgrade early for $20. I sold the iP4S and need to ship it out and really need the Nexus to become available now. But I used my last upgrade to get that phone so its like another 20 months for me. Any chance I can get them to allow it? I've been lucky in the past but I don't think I can get this lucky.
My dad's upgrade is available. Meaning, he can get a new phone at a "new contract" price. His contract doesn't expire until next December though...
My primary line has always came up as available for early upgrade after 12 months. No new every 2 discount though. That part of the discount didnt kick in until 20 months.

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That's just it though--my father is not the primary account holder. My mother is. She isn't available for an upgrade.
December 2011 or 2012? If you mean later this month, then he would have been able to upgrade for the past 3 months. You can upgrade after 20 months but the contract is for 24 months. Its there way to lock you in longer. Get a new phone with us now, or wait, 4 more months and get a new phone with anyone. If is still early in his contract and shouldn't be eligible until next year. Good for you guys, take advantage of it.

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My father got his phone AND signed up for a new contract December 2010. It's been (almost) 12 months. Now he has an upgrade.