wifi Tether on Samsung Fascinate


Apr 23, 2010
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Just got my fascinate yesterday after my droid battery charging circuit failed. I have the warranty replacement coming in a few days and will be selling the droid if anyone knows who might want one.

Anyway, I rooted the fascinate successfully but when I run wifi tether with root control, it says it is running but I do not see the ad hoc solution from my laptop.

Any ideas?

You have to use a different version.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

Do I just click on the link with my phone and download the apk, and then install it or is something more needed?

I downloaded and then just installed with astro. I did have to remove the one I downloaded from the market first.

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Ok..I did the same thing. How exactly do I use it? This is what I did, but it would never connect to my phone. I opened up Wireless Tether, and reset a couple of the settings such as the SSID, Passphrase, and Access Control. I then started tethering. I looked at the wireless networks on my computer and phone my phone. When I click to connect it, I put in the passphrase when my computer asked for it, and then it just sits and tries and tries to connect, but never does. Am I doing something wrong?
Did you make sure you've got the right version?

Sent from my phone using my keyboard
I turned off all security settings, but still no luck. Any other ideas? Thanks.

Also another thing...on my computer in the wireless networks they all look like bars. The AndroidTether network is 3 pc's connected together. Is that what it looks like or should it look like all the other wireless networks my computer finds?
I turned off all security settings, but still no luck. Any other ideas? Thanks.

I dunno. Mine worked great. Maybe delete it and reinstall and don't set up the security at first....

I did that...still no go. Did you see my edit to the last post I made? Any ideas with those differing icons?

Yeah the 3 pc's and AndroidTether is right. I dunno why it won't work for you. Are you seeing any data in the download on the app? maybe your phone isn't close enough?
The AndroidTether network has the same icon as the hpsetup does....if you'v eever seen those before. 3 computers attached together. Looks more like a LAN icon than a wireless one.