wifi Tether on Samsung Fascinate

Download is .4kb and Upload is .1kb, so no, nothing is moving...

My phone is less than a foot form my computer. Both are sitting right here on my desk. I have windows7 64bit. THink that makes any difference?
This blows...the biggest reason I rooted my phone was to use this feature...ugh! :-(
There's gotta be someone that knows how to get it working. Have you tried Barnacle to see if it works?
Ok...so here's the latest. I have windows7 64 bit. I cannot connect to the phone. My business partner has windows7 64 bit, and he cannot connect either. Mt wife has Windows Vista 32 bit. She connected within 5 seconds and tether is working great. I'm wondering if it has something to do with windows 7 at this point? Are you guys on win7 64 bit and still able to connect?
Hey guys,

I am new to Android but I managed to root my Fascinate and install the tethering app that was posted on this thread. I am getting a “wired tethering seems to be running at the moment. Please disable first!” message when I click on start tethering.

Nothing comes up on my computer. Does anyone know how to disable the “wired tethering”? Thanks for the help.
Is there another wireless tether program I can try? It doesn't seem to be working for my computer. I think it has something to do with the type of NI I have. Maybe another program will be able to respond to it better. Any ideas on another one I could try?
Never mind people. I finally got it to work. I reinstalled my NIC drivers (which I don't think made any difference), and re-downloaded and installed the wireless tether program. It looked like a new one came out a few days ago, and I wasn't using it. Upon the first try, it connected and worked flawlessly. Thanks for everyone's help!!
My laptop is Win 7 and 64 bit. It connects and I didn't make any changes.

Sent from my phone using my keyboard

Never mind people. I finally got it to work. I reinstalled my NIC drivers (which I don't think made any difference), and re-downloaded and installed the wireless tether program. It looked like a new one came out a few days ago, and I wasn't using it. Upon the first try, it connected and worked flawlessly. Thanks for everyone's help!!

So Caminator, where did you find the new tether program. Could you provide a link? I am having trouble connecting as well. Starting to get on my nerves! I too bought the phone for this feature in order to get rid of the $60 a month air card we were using. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
