Wireless tethering charges


New Member
Jul 8, 2010
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Hello everyone, i'm new to this forum and have a question regarding the use of my MotoDroid and wireless tethering. My phone currently is running 2.1 firmware and I was considering rooting my droid to use for wireless tethering with a couple of MacBook laptops when I am away from home. I currently have an unlimited data usage plan with VZW and was wondering if I would rack up any additional charges if I use my droid in wireless tether mode with any of my laptops. I will be using an app that I found in the marketplace for the wireless tethering. Thanks for any suggestions.
I've been tethering for a while now, still the same $120 phone bill at the end of the month, as far as i know, they can't tell you're doing it.. but i'm sure they have their ways to find out if they really wanted to
With the upcoming release of the X, which actually allows it, they might just start catching on to all the unpaid tether.
I doubt they will catch on and as long as u don't go over 5 gb u would be fine