Access to file system


New Member
I can't find a factory installed app that lets me access the file system. Do I really have to go download a 3rd party one from the App store that either costs money or has Ads?


Gold Member
When you say "file system" you're talking about needing to be rooted to see those files. If you are rooted Root Explorer will do the trick.


New Member
Sorry, used to PC lingo.

I mean the files and folders on the device storage. I want to browse in and move, copy, paste general everyday files.

bweN diorD

Senior Member
on some previous phones it was called "files" and used a folder icon. i would be surprised if there was no app there, whatever they call it.


I'm using Root Explorer for this purpose, which does not require root access to view the storage partition. Once nice thing about this app is that you can also use it to access Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive in tabs and move files between them. The app is not free however (I bought it years ago for my rooted OG Droid). There are some free alternatives, such as ES File Explorer. Strange that VZW/Moto removed the Files app while leaving so much bloatware intact, but what are you gonna do.