Bionic work on 3G?


New Member
Jan 3, 2011
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I live in a rural area and know I won't have access to 4G for sometime, so my question is...i really like the bionic and have been so psyched to get it but will it work on just 3G until I get 4G in my area?

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But Verizon will probably make you pay for the 4g service even if you don't have it in your area. I was told that they might have it in my area in 6 months but there is no guarantee. When I asked why would I pay for 4g if there is no service in my area they replied it was because I could use the 4g service if I have the phone in a area that is setup for 4g.

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Yea I'm leaning towards waiting because of having to pay for a service I can't use and because the phone is basically designed for use on 4G so I'm thinking it's potential and performance will be considerably deminished on 3G.

By the time I get 4G in my area there will be a Bionic 3 or 4!