How is call quality on Bionic? Especially member has poor hearing

The blackberries were horrible for clarity.

True story right ... Husband has a BB and if there's anything going on in the background at all forget it - I can't hear him worth a darn ... he works in an environment with a lot of people around and everyone and everything sounds awful - it's all like Charlie Brown's teacher sounding ...

Not sure what you folks are using. I had one of the original BlackBerry Pearl phones on T-Mobile, and it had the best call quality of any phone outside of the old brick-style Blackberries before it went full backlit color. I also know the very first Curve phones that came out were praised for raising the bar in call quality.

Now I know phones like the Droid X2 and some Sprint ones have stepped it up. But the Bionic's isn't that great like you guys are claiming. I think also that SSHGuru just likes to go against the grain on everything with his Steve Jobs-ish replies.
Not sure what you folks are using. I had one of the original BlackBerry Pearl phones on T-Mobile, and it had the best call quality of any phone outside of the old brick-style Blackberries before it went full backlit color. I also know the very first Curve phones that came out were praised for raising the bar in call quality.

Now I know phones like the Droid X2 and some Sprint ones have stepped it up. But the Bionic's isn't that great like you guys are claiming. I think also that SSHGuru just likes to go against the grain on everything with his Steve Jobs-ish replies.

Hubby's using a BB Tour on VZW
Hubby's using a BB Tour on VZW

That's part of the problem. The Tour is the red-headed stepchild of the Blackberry line. Blasted all across the board if I recall. I got a friend to switch to the Droid X off of that Tour.
That's part of the problem. The Tour is the red-headed stepchild of the Blackberry line. Blasted all across the board if I recall. I got a friend to switch to the Droid X off of that Tour.

Hubby won't get off that stupid phone for anything in the whole world *face palm* - drives me insane ...