HTC Droid Merge Announcement coming November 18th?


Staff member
Oct 20, 2009
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So we've seen the leaked HTC Merge pics, the leaked HTC Merge Accessories list, the Best Buy internal system screenshot showing the HTC Merge, but word leaks out tonight that this semi-secretive device could be announced on November 18th. Now before you get to excited, the phone was first rumored to be announced on November 11th. We also heard this phone was going to be delayed and released when big red unleashes the first batch of LTE phones. Maybe the delayed device was actually the HTC Incredible HD?


Oh, and there is one more twist to this story! Notice on the very top picture above, it mentions the HTC Droid Merge World-Phone? Now have a look at the bottom picture of the HTC Merge's desktop. Notice the BING icon on the screen? Hmmm.. A BING powered Droid? What??

Yeah me too. I've been waiting since September for the HTC Merge, but ever since my LG Dare stopped working, I was left without a phone and was forced to give in and buy the Droid 2 Global which will arrive on Wednesday. However, If i wish to return the Droid if the Merge pulls a sneak attack, how do I return the Droid 2 Global that I bought from the VzWireless Site?
I will be getting this as this phones specs are the same as the G2 & that was just recently overclocked to 1.9ghz so yeah yeah
Yeah me too. I've been waiting since September for the HTC Merge, but ever since my LG Dare stopped working, I was left without a phone and was forced to give in and buy the Droid 2 Global which will arrive on Wednesday. However, If i wish to return the Droid if the Merge pulls a sneak attack, how do I return the Droid 2 Global that I bought from the VzWireless Site?

from what I can tell from verizon's site, all we have to do is send it back in its original box and they'll credit you:
What does it mean by the "re-launching of the HTC Droid Incredible."?
Looks like they may have changed their flyer to include only the incredible.

And i think they only called it a "droid" merge so that every idiot knows what they are talking about.
I spoke to a vzw rep in the store. They were trained on the merge and the incredible global edition.
I spoke to a vzw rep in the store. They were trained on the merge and the incredible global edition.

Ohhh, a global version of the Incredible never even crossed my mind, but that seems to make a lot of sense. Explains why they're trying to liquidate their original Incredible stock..
droid incredible global! YAY! another rumor mill. the mill keeps churning.
What is the screen size on the merge? 4g?

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