Random Reboots



Since installing Liberty I have been experiencing a lot of random reboots. I've been trying to narrow it down to something I'm doing that is causing it, but from what I can tell it's completely random. It's especially obnoxious when I'm on the phone and it suddenly reboots for no reason. It's not a soft reboot either that was once an issue with the lockscreen, but a full reboot. It happens 2 or 3 times a day.

Is anyone else experiencing this or know of a way that I could at least diagnose the problem?
I'm experiencing it too, but not anywhere near as often... I've tried not overclocking but it didn't seem to make a difference, mine happens about once a day, sometimes twice... I haven't been able to narrow it down to a cause though :-/
Do a clean wipe and reinstall it.

From my Liberated Droid 2 (Liberty v 1.0)
i get some reboots when i plug into usb and mount for mass storage
yeah, I got the usb reboots too for a while, I moved everything I needed off of my sd card, then formatted it, then reinstalled my music, photos, ect. But I left most of the app and android created folders off of my sd and it hasn't happened since.

EDIT: Random usb reboots still happeneing if I do anything while plugging it in, including just having an app open....reboot, not just on liberty but rubix as well.
Thanks for the suggestions!

I've actually tried SBFing and factory resetting and it didn't solve the problem. I haven't wiped my SD card though, so I'll give that a shot and see what happens.
I've had similar problems. I was getting a lot with fission, but they stopped when I switched to gummyjar.

When I first switched to liberty, all was good, but recently had frequent reboots, too, or even completely black screen needing battery pulls.

I formatted the sd card, sbfed, and did a clean install last night, restoring my old apps with titanium and reloading music onto the sd card. Since then, no reboots....this is the longest I've gone without a random reboot in a while.

Which makes me wonder if my problems with fission were sd card related.

Regardless, loving liberty!
BTW... Everyone should know this, is a great thing to know.

ALT + SHIFT + DEL = Reebot... Even if your phone is dead and unresponsive, it will force a reebot.

Beats pulling out the battery ;)
This comes stock with pretty low voltages try changing them if your having problems.
BTW... Everyone should know this, is a great thing to know.

ALT + SHIFT + DEL = Reebot... Even if your phone is dead and unresponsive, it will force a reebot.

Beats pulling out the battery ;)
Thanks I never knew that. Awesome, seems like it could come in handy.
i had no idea about this either, and immediately tried it to make sure you weren't kidding... lol

thanks for the info

BTW... Everyone should know this, is a great thing to know.

ALT + SHIFT + DEL = Reebot... Even if your phone is dead and unresponsive, it will force a reebot.

Beats pulling out the battery ;)

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
Ok, so I formatted the SD card last night and left it blank. I got a reboot about an hour later so that didn't solve it. I went through all of my apps this morning and got rid of everything that isn't essential... so far no reboots. I have an uptime of about 4 hours right now, and as sad as it is 4 hours is pretty impressive for my phone. If this doesn't work I guess I'll try SBFing again and wiping the SD card when I do so.
BTW... Everyone should know this, is a great thing to know.

ALT + SHIFT + DEL = Reebot... Even if your phone is dead and unresponsive, it will force a reebot.

Beats pulling out the battery ;)

add me to the not-knowing list lol...thx for the tip battery pulls can get annoying