Samsung Runs Full Page Apology Ads For The Galaxy Note 7


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Oct 6, 2011
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Samsung has published an apology letter addressing their valued customers in relation to the Galaxy Note 7. The letter has been making the rounds as a full page ad in many publications. This might go a long way towards rebuilding consumer trust and confidence. The ad showed up Monday in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. The letter is signed by the President and CEO of Samsung Electronics North America Gregory Lee.

An important tenet of our mission is to offer best-in-class safety and quality. Recently, we fell short on this promise. For this we are truly sorry,” Samsung writes in the letter, adding that “We will re-examine every aspect of the device, including all hardware, software, manufacturing and the overall battery structure. We will move as quickly as possible, but will take the time needed to get the right answers.

Samsung is still unsure of what caused the devices to catch fire. The investigation continues and hopefully they can get all of this resolved in time for the S8 release. We have received no word as to if the ad will run in other markets.

via TheVerge


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I call B.S. on samsung (small "s", they didn't capitalize the "c" in their Customers) as well as ALL apologies that emanate from a greed motivated corporate entity.
I have Nothing against business. profit or companies - what I find objectionable is ANY company that rushes an unsafe/untested product to market just to beat a competitor's product release and maximize profit at the expense of the safety of thier "customers" (unwitting and unaware customers that trust everything is going to be fine).
They aren't "sorry for anything other than - it went so bad and is going to cost so much.
I have studied the human condition for many years simply out of a quest for greater understanding and will offer this.... Most people are "sorry" because they got caught doing something they shouldn't AND they are sorry the outcome ends up hurting them in some way.
Rarely is the guilty party "sorry" and stops the act before the final curtain comes down on them.
Is what it is, universal.
So, samsung is/will be "sorry" until the smoke clears (no pun intended) and then someday, history will repeat itself largely due to the fact that the buying public has a memory and attention span slightly longer than the battery life of their handheld device of choice....
Oooh! Ouch.... that burned!


Gold Member
Jun 28, 2010
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detroit, usa
It's just pr stunt. Samsung is in shambles up top as family decides what to do and how to do it. It's like chicken running around with its head cut off.


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Apr 1, 2011
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NW Rocky Mtn region
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Like I've said before, if HTC & BlackBerry can still be in business despite one failure after another, this overblown Note 7 fiasco certainly won't hurt the number one smartphone manufacturer in the world.

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