★★★ The "Official" I got my DROID BIONIC Thread ★★★

I was the first one to get it at the store I went to. Only problem is getting the 4g sim card to activate. I went ahead and left with the phone with no activation. He told me to call back at 10:30 if it doesn't work by then. He said it was a similiar problem when the thunderbolt came out.
I was the first one to get it at the store I went to. Only problem is getting the 4g sim card to activate. I went ahead and left with the phone with no activation. He told me to call back at 10:30 if it doesn't work by then. He said it was a similiar problem when the thunderbolt came out.

Yea i waited about 30 minutes for the phone to activate in store. He said expect that today with all the new activations.
Yea i waited about 30 minutes for the phone to activate in store. He said expect that today with all the new activations.

The tried to stick it into another 4g phone maybe a thunderbolt to activate it but he mentioned something about their activation system is down are something. When I call back he may have more info from other stores or from his corporate email.
Picked up my loot today, and to my surprise, Verizon gave it to me at the upgrade price. Makes NO sense. My upgrade date was October of next year, yet they gave it to me at the upgrade price AND my contract end date is now 2 years from TODAY. We double, tripled, and double double checked everything with the store manager even, and it's legit. No idea why, but not going to argue.

So, I walked out with the phone, case, LapDock and Car Dock all for the same price I was expecting to pay for the phone alone.
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They told me that the system was going a little slow today activating heo 4G but they got it working for me. I was in and out in 25 mins.
got mine activated without issue. a little disappointed with the pentile screen, but I can live with it!
Congrats on the Bionics. Anyone want to do me a favor and let me know if the Bionic fits the Atric lapdock or do you have to get the Bionic version (please tell me that you actually went and tried, not just a guess)?
It's 9:40 here in Texas right now. I got to the verizon store at 8:30am and there was a line of almost 50 people already there. Well turns out that Verizon store only got 40 Droid Bionics. I left 20 min ago with no Bionic. 5 min ago I went online to order the Bionic for full price and holy crap!! they gave me a early upgrade!!!! it wasn't there last night as I was trying to see if I could catch them putting the bionic online. Was this meant to be?!?!? I get mine tomorrow when the fedx dude comes. Hell Yeah!!!
I <3 My Bionic

I still haven't decided if I'm going to upgrade from my original Droid now (for this) or wait to see what comes out down the road closer to the holidays. I'm anxious to see what people have to say about the bionic as that may help me make up my mind.

So far I love my Bionic.. upgraded from my X. I just can't wait to be able to root and slap a custom rom on this bad boy to let it really fly. So far its fast, the video chat works great, and its VERY light. Only complaint is the pentile screen. It doesn't look bad by any means, but if you look very closely u can see the pixels like on the X2. Aside from that though its F'n sweet.