The Ultimate Droid 3.0.0 Beta - 7 Phones - Nexus S Updated 1/10/11


After 1 day of tUD 3.0.0 Beta use, probably my only complaint so far is the lag the ph now seems to have when rotating the phone from portrait to landscape & vice cersa...other than that I have not had any real "issues".


Is anyone running a chevy kernel on this? I left the stock one in for now but I'd like to get back up to 1ghz and I'm also going to be installing ubuntu.

Sent from my DROID running UD2.5 @ 1Ghz


Is anyone running a chevy kernel on this? I left the stock one in for now but I'd like to get back up to 1ghz and I'm also going to be installing ubuntu.

Sent from my DROID running UD2.5 @ 1Ghz

I'm not running Chevy as they've never played well with my Droid. I am running a 1.1 Slayher with no problems.


Well I answered my own question. I keep forgetting this thing is my new replacement. My last D1 couldn't handle over 1ghz and hated the UD/ chevy combo. This one seems to play very nicely though as I'm running 1.25ghz ulv chevy. I keep forgetting every phone is different because my D1 lasted just over a year. I've had this phone for about 3 weeks.

Sent from my DROID running UD2.5 @ 1.25Ghz


I got the music app to work fine after a little playin I did this & it has worked ever since: go into the ultimate settings & reinstall the modified music app (i know it says its pre installed but install it again) immedietly reboot soon as its installed, then soon as booted up go directly to ultimate settings again & run the "fix permissions" soon as its done, immedietly reboot, once booted up....try the music app....after doing the above mine has worked fine ever since.


Premium Member
Premium Member
im using the Honeycomb music player and its nice..... if you dont have it, i know its somewhere on DF here.