The Ultimate Droid 3.3.0 - Multiple Phones and Tablets - Link Added


I noticed the same thing. I had a titanium backup of my 2.5 settings that already had the flashlight enabled. Since it was enabled before the latest ud allows me to continue to use it. It's functional I have no idea why it's grayed out though.

Is it me or the LED flashlight cant be selected under notification power widget in UD settings... TIA

I have the same problem. The torch app works fine though.

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Wow, my first time back at Droidforums in a while, and what do I find? UD is back! dancedroiddancedroiddancedroiddancedroid


Great ROM! This build is fast as hell even at 800mhz. But ever since updating to 3.3.1 I can't run Pandora/Stock Music Player and Navigation at the same time. Anyone else have this issue?


Its sad to see but it seems like UD is fading away in similar fashion as droidmod did, its a shame as UD was once my "go to" rom of choice....


Its sad to see but it seems like UD is fading away in similar fashion as droidmod did, its a shame as UD was once my "go to" rom of choice....

Why do you say that? There's really not much more he can do to this ROM...he has almost everything covered in 3.3.1 It's a great ROM but let's face it...the D1 is finally at a point where it's limits are being reached. It's an AMAZING phone & was WAY ahead of it's time...but these new phones STOCK are amazing! Then if you root them....OMG!

I'm still with the D1 running UD 3.3.1 overclocked to 900mhz (went with GREAT battery life over a few extra mhz) and it's still a GREAT phone...But I think with my renewal up in July the Bionic might be calling my name!


First of all there are still plenty of new features & tweaks being added to every GB rom out there, in fact UD 3.3.1 had a few problems that could have been fixed & released (in particular the leds were gone in 3.3.0 & were supposed to be fixed in 3.3.1 & were not) dont get me wrong, UD was my rom of choice for a long time, I get bored after a bit with even the best rom (liquid, shameless plug) & in fact the other day I flashed UD 3.2.5 (last release leds worked) just to compare it to recent roms & i wont lie it is still the snappiest rom on my droid, but it lacks some of the newer features i come to use daily (volume rocker wake mainly) and to be honest as far as "customer" relations & communication, Blackdroid was minimal at best, which I overlooked because I loved the damn rom so much, numerous times I had tried to contact him for questions, problems never to get a reply, so I was shocked at the speedy respone & communication I got whenever I had problems with other roms & kernel devs, namely Liquid & Chevy & to me to some degree that says a lot, devs who take the time to directly answer your questions & concerns, yes I realize some people have bizzier lives than others, & I guarntee if Blackdroid releases another rom Ill be one of the fist in line to try it out.


Would like to try UD 3.3 on my Droid 1 but when I try to go to your link, Google Chrome can't connect. How can I get the ROM? Also do I have to download earlier versions before I get to the 3.3 version or can I just download it?



Active Member
im pretty sure UD site is down and he's taken down his servers due to some flooding issues with his house. so none of the links will work. if you ask nicely, im sure one of the forum memebers can upload the ROM for you


I have a copy of 3.3 and 3.3.1 that i can put in my dropbox and link if you would like. You do not have to flash previous versions but I would recommend doing a wipe of everything to try avoiding any issues. Just let me know which version you would like and I would gladly set it up for ya.

Edit: Remember though that with the site being down, the extras (fonts, bootanimations, themes) that are built into the ROM are not installing. I am still running 3.3.1 and none of this really bothers me since there are so many custom bootanimations and themes that you can install and use. But thats really the only thing that I have noticed since the site has gone down.
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New Member
I have a copy of 3.3 and 3.3.1 that i can put in my dropbox and link if you would like. You do not have to flash previous versions but I would recommend doing a wipe of everything to try avoiding any issues. Just let me know which version you would like and I would gladly set it up for ya.

any way i could get a copy of the UD3.3.1 please..


I have a copy of 3.3 and 3.3.1 that i can put in my dropbox and link if you would like. You do not have to flash previous versions but I would recommend doing a wipe of everything to try avoiding any issues. Just let me know which version you would like and I would gladly set it up for ya.

any way i could get a copy of the UD3.3.1 please..

Just PM me with your email address that you would like to receive the invite at and I will be happy to share the dropbox folder with you. This goes for anyone else as well. I am only going to be around untill the 4th of July and after that I will not be around the site much at all. So if you want the roms, please let me know soon so I can hook you up and if you would be so kind to do the same for others that would be appreciated.