[WIP]Theme : PuRe


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
This is a theme I have wanted to do for some time, before I knew of Avalon (They were the first tho:)). I give the Avalon team extreme credit for motivating me back into trying it and for putting their source up, which has helped me in some tough spots. But as always I like to do my own hacks and edits so I found new ways to do a few things and tried them and tried them until they were perfect. :)
Now this theme is still in its infancy, even after about a month and half’s worth of work put into. Trial and error is not always the most enjoyable thing in the world. But I and Gianfranco (@gbianchi) have put in several hours of work into the theme, between creating images to xml edits. But since we are slowly nearing the completion of an open beta, we felt it was time that maybe we should actually share some screens of what we have been working on.
The premise behind this theme is to create a white simplistic theme with slight color hints throughout. I can’t leave out that perhaps some things might have a slight edge to them. :) Also, we are trying to completely create a custom framework experience, along with doing the same to each apk. So withouth further ado here is a few screens. (Please note that some of the apks in these images are still being tweaked and worked on.



PuRe Alpha for Liberty 1.5 http://bit.ly/hQTw17

This is an alpha build of the theme... so please expect there to be changes before the final product is released...

We are also in the process of getting an Alpha build for Rubix ROM as quickly as we can but we are trying to resolve a few bugs..
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wow is all I can say. That theme looks absolutely amazing can't wait to run it. Any idea of when the beta will hit?
We are hoping to have a Beta made available in the next coming weeks... need to finish cleaning a few things up with what we have done so far ..
Right now I am currently building Rubix and Liberty side by side in an effort to have both done for beta release... eventually there are plans to expand beyond
Wow! What you have so far looks AMAZING! Can't wait to see the beta!
Very nice :) I would prefer this over avalon because of the lines, and the black on white instead of grey on white. It looks more crisp. Very nice work, hope you have plans to release for D2 also, if you need help let me know :D Id be happy too..
*Allso, I LOVE the battery icon you made, with the percentage. Very cool
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Oh. My. God. That is an amazing theme! I can't wait for a beta. I love Avalon and this is just awesome right here.
Oh. My. God. That is an amazing theme! I can't wait for a beta. I love Avalon and this is just awesome right here.

I KNEW you Avalon lovers would love this too :)
lol. you should name the theme PuRe SeX just like in your one screenshot of the notification dropdown. :D
Update: We are getting closer to a beta version.. still trying to work out a few kinks with super user and have to clean up some of the stock yellow highlights ..
Update: We are getting closer to a beta version.. still trying to work out a few kinks with super user and have to clean up some of the stock yellow highlights ..

Can not wait for this!! Even though the beta isn't out, this theme is awesome. Lol.
Really looking forward to this jsin....

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