2.0 :)


Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
just thinking about whats to come makes me excited. dancedroid
HEY. Only I can use sexual innuendo to describe things.
Brb changing underwear

I can't wait haha 2.0 is going to my amazing

Sent from my Sourcery using DroidForums App
can't wait! w00t! when you want sourcery, you gotta have sourcery. nothing else will do....
I somehow get the feeling I'm somewhat spoiled by sourcery being the first rom I've ever tried.
It is the best I have used. I canteen wait

Sent From The Top Of The World
+1! I've ran pretty much every ROM and Sourcery is by FAR my favorite! Also planning to debut my theme on 2.0! dancedroid

I somehow get the feeling I'm somewhat spoiled by sourcery being the first rom I've ever tried.

YOu have no idea how right you are. This is my 7th.. and last.

DroidForums Junkie!!
Well all the Roms all great they all have their +&- I hope we have done some stuff that's original and people like sourcery for that and the support we offer. With that 2.0 will be here tommorow so its a gnreat time to flash some of the others and check them out than give 2.0 a try we hope you will come back and stay with sourcery but your cheating yourself not checking out what's out there. And the best time to do it is when you should wipe to install a new release of your favorite rom. Make a nandroid backup before you do :)

I somehow get the feeling I'm somewhat spoiled by sourcery being the first rom I've ever tried.

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Bongs everyone that follow our twitter or stopped by our irc knew last night.
The Magic Continues 2/5/11

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