2.3.3 Gingerbread OTA update zip file download

I boutght my droid Pro

followed the steps and installed gingerbread flawlessly

used rsdlite with DROIDPRO_2.26.20_FULL.sbf to go back to install TBH GB with root

Itried TBH and the update GB in this forum and neither works. I followed all directions to a tee.

I keep getting

E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/caller

what do I do?
has anyone else experienced this? the 3G symbol changing from blue to white and back constantly. it's rather annoying.
after messing around with turning the background data on and off, it seems to be blue when it's enabled and white when it's disabled.

atleast in my case anyways.

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How to flash rhe gingerbread download once it is on the sd card? What is +r+m
How to flash rhe gingerbread download once it is on the sd card? What is +r+m

1. Open the file.
2. You will see a folder "2.3.3 ... " or something similar
3. Open that folder and you will find a file update.zip
4. This is the file you need!!
5. Extract the folder "2.3.3.." somewhere where you remember
6. Once you have done so, go into the folder and copy the "update.zip" file
7. Paste it on your SD card in the root directory (main folder of the card)
8. Power down phone
9. Turn on phone by pressing Power + R + M at the same time, let go of the buttons as soon as you see the Motorola logo
10. You will see the "!" logo, press @ to enter the Recovery mode
11. There, navigate with the volume keys to apply update
12. Let it work its magic, and reboot when it prompts you too at the end ;)

Hope that helps!

It means to press them all at the same time: the Power button, the physical R button, and the physical M button.

But if you have a Droid X2 as you have noted, do not attempt to flash this update. It's only for the Droid Pro.
K I installed gingerbread for the second time and recovery mode has no options snd when I push the @@ sybol no options show up. Anyone know how to fix this. Sometimes I have to go back to froyo if I need barnicle teather for a few days cause I could never get root on gingerbread. Just wondering if anyone else has had problem with recovery and if there is anytihng I can do.
K I installed gingerbread for the second time and recovery mode has no options snd when I push the @@ sybol no options show up. Anyone know how to fix this. Sometimes I have to go back to froyo if I need barnicle teather for a few days cause I could never get root on gingerbread. Just wondering if anyone else has had problem with recovery and if there is anytihng I can do.

The button to push to bring up the recovery menu changed with GB. I don't know what it is on the Pro though.

Instead of pressing @ symbol press both volume up and volume down at same time.

Sent from my DROID Pro using DroidForums
Anyone get this when trying the update?

Installing update...
assert failed: file_getprop("/system/build.prop". "ro.build.fingerprint") == "verizon/venus2_vzw/cdma_venus2/venus2:2.2.1/3.4.2_80_V2_87/8:user/release-keys" || file_getprop("/system/build.prop". "ro.build.fingerprint") == "verizon/venus2_vzw/cdma_venus2/venus2:2.3.3/4.5.1-110-VNS-11/110525:user/release-keys"

E:Error in /sdcard/update.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.

I've tried updated from SBF and also the current version and get the same error. Any ideas?

If you will get the black hat app and the Droid2 bootstrapper app ,you can load P3's version of gingerbread that is rooted and then you will be able to use tether
First, does doing this void your warrant? And secondly, how can you go back to froyo?

Sent from my DROID Pro using DroidForums
I don't think it'll void your warranty, but i'm not sure.

you can always sbf back to froyo. there are links in the pro thread somewhere.

Sent from my DROID Pro using DroidForums