3G Connection Gone


Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
Only posting here because I've been running LIB 3 for awhile now. Upgraded from LIB 9.0 GB .596 to .605 with TBH's Special .605 Upgrade and then I loaded LIB 3. First, I thought my battery was going because it was draining fast and getting hot during recharge (as high as 107 degrees). Still think I need a new one but now I can't connect to Verizon's 3G. Called them today and as far as they know, nothing wrong or down on their end. I can get on my wireless network when I'm home but if I'm not on wifi, all I get are white bars that used to be yellow before with no 3G letters. anyone know what it could be or is my phone just dying? Thanks in advance.
In the notification pulldown do you have the 3g data on? Its the 2 arrows pointing up and down.

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That was it. Actually found it during reboot and saw the icons in the drop down screen and ran my finger across and saw the green line fill below the arrows. Must have inadvertently disabled it but you hit the nail on the head. Thank you.
While we're on those icons, could you tell me what some of them mean? Starting from left to right I know the first is wifi but the second that looks like a weird B I should know but I don't. Then the arrows, but the 3 after that, I don't know and the last two are sync and airplane. Jesus, I should know these but I don't. Senior Droid, yeah right.
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Im not on liberty but I'll try to remember. The one that looks like a B is blue tooth and one should be for gps then airplane mode and silent mode then there's one with circular arrows which is for automatic screen rotation. Like i said im guessing not sure if i have the order right lol...

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Got' em all except the one that looks like a gear, half black, half white inside and when I activate it, an "A" appears on the inside.
Auto adjust screen brightness

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