4g lte drops on phone call


New Member
Jul 7, 2013
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I've had the DNA for about 2 weeks now, coming from the Thunderbolt. I use PDANet as my only internet source on VZW (I live in the middle of nowhere yet can luckily get a 4G signal). Seems that when I'm USB tethered, if I get a CDMA call, mobile data turns off. Never happened on the Thunderbolt in over 2 years. As soon as I hang up the call, mobile data comes back on. Am I missing something? Some button somewhere to let these completely different systems work at the same time? If not, this seems to be a major step back in functionality for HTC.

I'm now wondering if I'm driving and using Maps and get a call, will Maps stop working since it uses 4G? That would suck!

It also appears the 4G antenna on the DNA is nowhere near as robust as the Thunderbolt. If I move the DNA it drops to 3G. Let it sit for a while and it will eventually reacquire 4G. The Rezound 4G antenna is a monster and the Motorola Razr Max smokes the DNA on every SpeedTest run at my kitchen table.

Any help will be greatly appreciated as this thing should easily be able to do mobile data and CDMA at the same time.
As of right now LTE is used for data not calls. At&t phone do the same when I make a call it drops from lte to hspa+ and goes back to lte when I am done. Same with verizon, they use the cdma radios for calls and lte for data. One they roll out LTE AWS then calls will be made over lte. SO the drop is not unusual. Phones with stronger radios and coding will handle the transition smoothly. My Galaxy nexus had issues with switching over after a call but my nexus had issues with lte period. My note 2 handles the transition almost seamlessly.
I can't speak for the rezound but my DNA is way better at holding a signal than my thunderbolt and the critics agree that the DNA radios are better than the rezounds. In Massachusetts I have 4g almost everywhere and barely ever swith to 3g and if I do it's seamless. As for GPS lock-on is within seconds...
As of right now LTE is used for data not calls. At&t phone do the same when I make a call it drops from lte to hspa+ and goes back to lte when I am done. Same with verizon, they use the cdma radios for calls and lte for data. One they roll out LTE AWS then calls will be made over lte. SO the drop is not unusual. Phones with stronger radios and coding will handle the transition smoothly. My Galaxy nexus had issues with switching over after a call but my nexus had issues with lte period. My note 2 handles the transition almost seamlessly.

The Thunderbolt, Rezound and, if memory serves, one other model on Verizon can multi task over LTE. My Rezound keeps 4g while on phone calls and data sessions. I've used it before to talk my wife somewhere. I was talking to her and using VZNav to get alternate directions to her destination because of a detour she encountered.

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From a Beano
The Thunderbolt, Rezound and, if memory serves, one other model on Verizon can multi task over LTE. My Rezound keeps 4g while on phone calls and data sessions. I've used it before to talk my wife somewhere. I was talking to her and using VZNav to get alternate directions to her destination because of a detour she encountered.

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From a Beano

The tbolt allowed you to make calls and handle data at the same time so the cdma radios worked at the same time as the lte radios. I believe the rezound could do the same but I cant remember.
My razr maxx (which was on aw) would ket me browse the web while in a call as long as I had 4g. Didnt work on 3g. Havent tried it with my note.

Sent from my note 2 using Droid Forums
After some more testing it seems the DNA will sometimes hold 4G while on a phone call. It's batting about 50% right now. I also notice that the Bluetooth connection to my tablet will drop while on a phone call. Not a lot of testing on this one yet. This all happens when I have at least a 2 bar 4G signal. I'll admit this is just inconvenient right now; I just imagine a scenario when I really need mobile data (such as using Maps in a new and crowded city) and have it drop because I get a call. I also realize this could just be specific to my phone, maybe revenge for me having the one stable and perfectly functioning Transformer Prime 201 (except for GPS of course).
Experimentation continues.