Achieving Permanent Root on Fascinate.


May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
you should contact the authors of those posts to see if he/she would let you post them on here.. then you wont have to rely on their links if their servers go down.

just a suggestion :)
- chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin

my cmd prompt just says "adb connection will be reset. restart adb server on desktop and re-login."
what am i supposed to do here?
Just wait for it to kick back to the default windows prompt "C:\"

Got mine today and rooted as soon as I got home, now to wait for CM6.
I got an icon called "Superuser Permissions."
I clicked on it, opened cmd, and cd'd the SDK tools folder and typed:
-adb shell

then it got a thing called "Unknown (uid:2000)" and when i click on it, it says:

Package: unknown
Requested UID: root (0)
Command: /system/bin/sh
Status: Allow
Created on: 2010-09-10 01:04:48
Last Accessed: 2010-09-10 01:04:48


or did I still do something wrong? :(
Last edited:

I am totally lost here.
Could you list step by step-like hook up phone, open command, etc...
everytime I enter something in the command - I get nothing

I want to root this phone, or I am taking it back. Somebody please help.

Here is another good step by step to Root the Fascinate:

RootzWiki - Fascinate
I can't believe it, I just went through the RootzWiki root instructions and it worked, but once I rebooted I lost root, what gives?
Can someone post a detailed step by step guide of exactly what to do for someone who has never done more than add songs to his android phone?

I should have been more clearer. I don't understand adb push, adb shell, and all of the other stuff. Am I copying and placing files to the sd card? I am new at this and really could use the dummy version. I wish somebody would make a youtube video.

Just follow these steps. I just did it and it works 100%

For those of you worried about rooting or are very new to this whole process I will write up a walk through for newbies when I get home from work today if nobody has done it already.

Sent from my Samsung Fascinate using Tapatalk
As a noobie, this is starting to make a little sense. Only problem.... When im in my command promtp I can run the adb command to find my device which it does. once i get to the "adb push" command, the get the message "adb is not recognized as an internal or external command, etc..." any ideas??