Alternate Dark available for Sapphire 1.0!

I like the look of this theme, i just don't like the black text on the black background for the notification slider. Is there a quick fix for that?

Oops, I changed the link...but not the link text.

Second...I have noticed the black call time text on black background. Not so much an easy fix. Ill be looking into it though.

Third, by notification slider you are talking about the actual notification items text. Gem setting has a user interface twesk section that will change the notification text to this has some drawbacks.

It seems stock apps will all turn white..(I have manually turned music and market downloads to white) but a lot (but not all) use their own xml to determine status bar item text. These will stay black.

I am making an Alternative? Alternate with white notification item backgrounds but it has taken a little bit longer because I had to change a lot of icons because there are a lot that are all you would lose visibily of

Anyhow, look out for that I will come out for an additional version for all 4 Roms currently supported for Alternate Dark.

Thanks for the great feedback, hope you guys enjoy the theme.

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Oops, I changed the link...but not the link text.

Second...I have noticed the black call time text on black background. Not so much an easy fix. Ill be looking into it though.

Third, by notification slider you are talking about the actual notification items text. Gem setting has a user interface twesk section that will change the notification text to this has some drawbacks.

It seems stock apps will all turn white..(I have manually turned music and market downloads to white) but a lot (but not all) use their own xml to determine status bar item text. These will stay black.

I am making an Alternative? Alternate with white notification item backgrounds but it has taken a little bit longer because I had to change a lot of icons because there are a lot that are all you would lose visibily of

Anyhow, look out for that I will come out for an additional version for all 4 Roms currently supported for Alternate Dark.

Thanks for the great feedback, hope you guys enjoy the theme.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I like it...its set up so that you can change the text colors in Gem settings. May be make 2 versions. Keep this version and have an alternate. Either way u do good work and the themes u make for sapphire 1.0 deserved to be in a thread titked robertj13 ported sapphire v1.0 themes and sticky.
hi, if i have incognito can i just flash this over and its as simple as that? or do i have to reflash the whole rom? ty!
Hello, I just noticed on that there is a version of Alternate Dark for Simply Stunning 4.6. Is there any way this could be updated for 4.7? It's the only thing I miss about CyanogenMod. Thank you so much! :)
Hello, I just noticed on that there is a version of Alternate Dark for Simply Stunning 4.6. Is there any way this could be updated for 4.7? It's the only thing I miss about CyanogenMod. Thank you so much! :)

I can't recall where I read it, but I remember seeing something to the effect that roberj13 was taking time off for reasons unknown. I could be mistaken though ...

Maybe some other talented individual could get in touch with him to ask his permission to port it to SS4.7????
Hello, I just noticed on that there is a version of Alternate Dark for Simply Stunning 4.6. Is there any way this could be updated for 4.7? It's the only thing I miss about CyanogenMod. Thank you so much! :)

I can't recall where I read it, but I remember seeing something to the effect that roberj13 was taking time off for reasons unknown. I could be mistaken though ...

Maybe some other talented individual could get in touch with him to ask his permission to port it to SS4.7????

I was trying to figure out how to port it for my own personal use, but I was in way over my head. If someone could manage this, that would be incredible.
I was trying to figure out how to port it for my own personal use, but I was in way over my head. If someone could manage this, that would be incredible.

LOL - I've been down that road too! Looked into how to theme and got crossed eyed real fast :)

Hell I was just trying to change the colors of one of the bars and it was like this massive undertaking...I'll leave this stuff to the experts lol
When I apply this theme over Sapphire 1.0, everything works out fine, but the clock and text color in the notification bar are black so I can't see the clock and stuff.

Sorry if I'm making a noob mistake; this is my first day with Sapphire ROM.
Change the clockcolor, etc using Settings->Gem Settings. After you change the colors, then reboot to see the changes applied and you will be good.
Change the clockcolor, etc using Settings->Gem Settings. After you change the colors, then reboot to see the changes applied and you will be good.

Yep, I just found that out a few minutes ago after searching the word "Gem" on the wiki and found that the Gem Settings app is actually part of the Settings app.

Thanks, though.