Annoying Downloads


New Member
Dec 20, 2012
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I don't know what is going on, but several times each day, when I turn on my phone my screen is taken over by some BS app that is trying to download. It is always some android game. The entire screen is blue with a download button centered on the screen towards the bottom. This seems to mess up my alarm every other day. There is no rhyme or reason to when it happens. Does anyone experience this? Please please please help me.
You may have installed an app that had adware in it, malware, or you may have been infected. Install AirPush Detector to see what app is causing the problem or backtrack to the apps that were installed prior to the problem.
Thanks for the fast reply. I just installed and scanned using AirPush and it found nothing. I wonder if this is something new that Airpush is unable to detect? This has been going on for about 3 weeks I think.
I don't know what airpush is but I'd look at the installed apps and remove anything new you installed.
My wife's phone had asimialr situation about a year & a half ago. Air Push and AVG found nothing. I did some research on line and that led me to uninstall two games that she was playing that were using her Facebook login. I don't remember what they were now, but they were those FB multi-player games...maybe Words With Friends...things like that. Once I uninstalled the games, uninstalled the Facebook app and she re-downloaded and setup FB again the ads never came back. Might not be the same for you, but sounds pretty similar.
I don't know what airpush is but I'd look at the installed apps and remove anything new you installed.
Air push is hidden inside an app.. It can flash ads across your screen.. In some cases... It can download additional apps to your device..
I uninstalled a "checkers" game and thought I had it fixed, but it is still happening. I think I'll dump FB.
Well, after uninstalling Facebook, the same crappy popups are still there. Is there a recommended anti-virus for smartphones?
Have you installed Air Push Detector it can tell you what app is throwing out the ads?
Post #3 the OP stated that he tried Air Push and it turned up nothing.
I missed it. No worries. Seems rather strange.
I missed it. No worries. Seems rather strange.
I know. I wish I could remember exactly what I did to fix my wife's phone when this happened to her. I know it was connected to Facebook, but this may have been one of the many times I have had to do a FDR on her phones. There have been so many problems with apps and Facebook login apps I can't remember all the FDR's.
There are apps that hide the fact that you give them permission do download "other apps" when you install them... I had this experience a year or so ago.. Downloaded a flight simulator and didn't catch that I also allowed 3 other apps to download.. When i accepted their terms... I accepted this...

I found out by looking at my apps permissions...