Any talk about a Droid 5 coming out?


Aug 15, 2011
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Sorry guys I didn't know where else to post this. With the Galaxy S4 just coming out, and the fact that I am due for an upgrade, I have been wondering if there will be a D5. I LOVE my Droid 4 and one of the reasons I like it so much is the keyboard. I am really hoping they continue with the keyboard on the Droid number phones. I don't want to end up upgrading just to find out they're coming out with a D5 that will compete with the S4. I don't mind waiting because I am still happy with this phone. If they made a D5 with a nice keyboard, 2+ GB of RAM, a nice quad core or dual quad core processor, and all of the nice features of the new phones, I would be sooo happy! I really like my keyboard and am not wanting to lose it. What do you guys think? Has anyone heard anything? Thanks!

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I literally check the web every single day looking for evidence of a Droid 5. I'm in the same position, I got an upgrade a few weeks ago, and I don't want to lock myself into some other phone for 2 years just to have the D5 come out in a few months.

That being said, I have found nothing about a Droid 5. No rumors, no information, nothing. All I've heard is people mention how Motorola doesn't intend to make one. I've tweeted Verizon a few times with no response. At this point I'd say the Droid 5 isn't going to happen.

I hope I'm wrong.

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I've heard nothing, not even a single rumor.

With everyone competing for how slim devices can get, it's hard to imagine a D5 coming out especially if there haven't been any rumors by now.
Looks like the end of the line for the venerable Droid series.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk!
Well moto is pushing forward with their x-phone line. I wonder if they will be x-phone or droid branded on VZW and I wonder if they will have a keyboarded xphone?
Keyboard phones have gone the way of the dino and the dodo.

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk!
With exception to moto X or whatever it's gonna be called I haven't seen any other rumors however at d-11 Dennis Woodside as well as confirming the Moto X will be coming in the fall he also said Motorola will be releasing many devices between now and the fall. I am hoping 1 of them will be the droid 5 or a X phone with keyboard however their gonna market it
With exception to moto X or whatever it's gonna be called I haven't seen any other rumors however at d-11 Dennis Woodside as well as confirming the Moto X will be coming in the fall he also said Motorola will be releasing many devices between now and the fall. I am hoping 1 of them will be the droid 5 or a X phone with keyboard however their gonna market it
This is pretty much where I am. It sounds like the Moto X will be a line of phones and I'm hoping one of them will have a keyboard. I'm not holding my breath though. By coincidence, I just noticed this on on teh DF main page: This type of add on may be the future. If they actually work well.
Since they've been releasing their keyboard device yearly I would expect one near the end of the year around the same time as the others.
The only problem I can see with an add-on keyboard is bluetooth is a battery killer.
I think it sucks that they're completely phasing out keyboards on phone. I don't think my phone is too bulky or thick with its keyboard. Man I would love a Droid 5...

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Wait till you see the Droid 28...

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