B-boy: Custom Pulldowns- part-2


Team B-boy™/Jedi Counsel
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
central Az
I went ahead and just made this a new thread so it wasn't so clustered in the other one... These are for MetaMorph so make a back up and exclude mm from any task killers.... I made 2 sets of each. One is for Ginger Bread ROMS that use the SystemUI.apk and the other is for pre-GB ROMS... on the GB flash IT WILL MOST LIKELY FC BEFORE MM REBOOTS... that's just how it is and it's normal for some reason.. just force close it a few times until mm says "all themes applied". Then yank the battery and reboot.. all fixed.... These are slightly transparent and I will be adding many more to this thread and even some more to the other Custom Pulldown thread... I numbered these unlike the other thread to help make it easier... Enjoy!... on a side note: The app zipthemer has been a great tool for some people that don't use mm and it creates an undo.zip also so it's easy to revert... I have never used it but I hear it's easy to use so give that a whirl... I do make requests, also, so if you have an image or an idea, let me know.... :)


I only tested the white one for GB and it applied fine.. did the fc bit but is stable after a reboot... leave feedback to how they look cause I wanna make sure they all look great, especially once applied...

1. http://bit.ly/Bluev2Froyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/BlueSkullsGB <-- GB

2. http://bit.ly/Redv2Froyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/RedSkullsGB <-- GB

3. http://bit.ly/gJazLW FROYO

http://bit.ly/WhiteSkullsGB <-- GB

4. http://bit.ly/Purplev2Froyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/PurpleSkullsGB <-- GB

5. http://bit.ly/RedSkullsTribalFroyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/RedSkullsTribal <-- GB

6. http://bit.ly/GreenFroyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/GreenGBSkulls <-- GB

7. http://bit.ly/BlueSkullsFroyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/BlueGBSkulls <-- GB

8. http://bit.ly/hLMt8G FROYO

http://bit.ly/PurpleGBSkulls <-- GB

9. http://bit.ly/YellowFroyoSkulls FROYO

http://bit.ly/YellowGBSkulls <-- GB

10. http://bit.ly/CyanFroyo FROYO

http://bit.ly/CyanBlueGBSkulls <-- GB

These 2 are not transparent but I'll add them as see thru shortly

11. http://bit.ly/WhiteV5Skulls FROYO

http://bit.ly/WhiteSkullsv2GB <-- GB

12. http://bit.ly/Whitev2 FROYO

http://bit.ly/WhiteGBSkullsV5 <-- GB
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is there anyway i can get one of the original ones the "blue skulls" into a cyan skulls? u had originally had the red one but made me the blue one
Yeah I can do that.... it's a crazy week at work but I'll get on it soon and I'll PM it to ya.....

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Hey, looks great man!.... glad ya like it... :)

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Thank you B-Boy!! dancedroid

DroidForums Junkie!!
Perhaps you could make one with the superuser icon pic (droid and crossbones) but only if your up for it?? Thanks

sent from my speak'n'spell
Perhaps you could make one with the superuser icon pic (droid and crossbones) but only if your up for it?? Thanks

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The normal one that's on the app now? Or one of the new ones from the contest?
The one that's on it now would be cool. I didn't know there was a contest?? I gotta check that out

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It was from like November over on xda .... but yeah, I can do that.... let me know what ya decide on which image ya want....

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The old original one from the app (icon) would be sweet! Especially if you could make the droid and cross bones green with a transparent background!! Thanks

sent from my speak'n'spell
That's going to look awesome! dancedroid

The old original one from the app (icon) would be sweet! Especially if you could make the droid and cross bones green with a transparent background!! Thanks

sent from my speak'n'spell

DroidForums Junkie!!
The old original one from the app (icon) would be sweet! Especially if you could make the droid and cross bones green with a transparent background!! Thanks

sent from my speak'n'spell


Like this??...
SICK!! That looks awesome man. Could you make it just a little bigger though? If not its still cool thanks a lor man

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