B-boy: Custom pulldowns

dude i looks great. could i get the one closer to the bottom? and its a bit pixelated. i realize that this may be because of the attachment i sent but if you could fix that i would greatly appreicate it. if not i do understand. i am greatful that youve taken the time to do this for me. thanks again B


ok try that one.. I made the image a little smaller and moved it to the bottom.. yeah that pic was real small so it'll do that when enlarging it.. if it still doesn't look right, I can find a different pic to use that is bigger.... I'm heading to work now so it'll be later tonight...
Ps, yeah but it will be after work.....

thats awesome man thanks again man... much appreciated!!:icon_ banana:
dude i was checking out the biohazard pulldown you did. its amazing!! can you give my logo that look? thanks B
Yeah when I get home I'll get it for ya.... :)

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B-boy is a beast!!

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Dude looks pretty cool. Thanks a ton man.you are the man.


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Hmmm.... it doesn't go real good with the wallpaper...lol... are ya sure?.. cause I still have it open in Photoshop....

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Hmmm.... it doesn't go real good with the wallpaper...lol... are ya sure?.. cause I still have it open in Photoshop....

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sorry B, fell asleep with the phone in my hand.... naw man its looks sweet, im not sure how you can make it look better, but if you think you can by all means prove me wrong. :wink: may be flaming like that superman logo? have you done anything batman yet?
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Yeah I have a few Batman ones done, Just never posted them...... I got away from making metamorph stuff when I started my full themes but I'll toss them up in a bit.... glad ya like it man.... :)

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