Battery monitor widget not working


Mar 28, 2011
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I'm on CMD2-GB spet 8 rev. and my battery monitor widget will work sometimes but other times it will just give me a bunch of random number where the percentages will be. anyone know what's up?

What percentages does it show properly and what does not?

I am going to make a guess that it has something to do with whatever makes the 1% tracking not work on the GB builds of CM. Unfortunately not being a dev makes me not be able to go into more detail.
Yes, it has to do with the 1% battery increments not working. The battery monitor widget (as well as circle battery widget) uses the same value as the 1% battery increments would. That value, for some reason still unknown to the devs, is returning a random number instead of the actual battery status. The rest of battery monitor widget will work, but not the part that shows your exact percentage.

if you go into settings->monitoring and turn off "1% increment support" you MAY get the 10% increments to display, but even that seems iffy. Circle Battery Widget, on the other hand, doesn't even display anything. (it adds a widget to your homescreen, but it's invisible because it only knows how to display values from 1-100.)
Good call. I never even made the connection when I placed circle battery and that happened. Took me a while to figure out why I couldnt move my widgets around, then I realized I had circle batteries everywhere just couldnt see them lol.
Haha yeah, I was confused when I put one on my homescreen and got nothing, but when I long pressed it, it was there. Then I thought about it, and remembered reading somewhere that the battery % was being reported as random (usually very large negative) numbers, and it made a little bit of sense.

Glad I was able to help.
if you go into settings->monitoring and turn off "1% increment support" you MAY get the 10% increments to display,

Err, where is this setting? I can't seem to find it, is it in some sub-menus?

if you open battery monitor widget (click on it to open a full screen app,) hit the menu key, then select settings, monitoring, then scroll all the way to the bottom, the 2nd to last option should be "1% increment support".

Like I said, I have had it display the correct amount to the nearest 10% with that option off in the past, but right now I have it off and it shows -1345264. So it's currently still not working, even with that option off. It seems kinda hit and miss.
I am suffering from this issue as well. Is it a lost cause, is there something we can do to fix it, or do we have to just be patient for CM devs to iron it out? Ive emailed the dev for the Battery Monitor Widget, hes really good about support, but thinking this is a cm7 issue because all of his suggestions have not helped. And it works fine on every ROM except CM7 and Liquid (CM based). I dont know much about the programming side of this stuff but the status bar displays the battery percentage, 1 or 10 increment, correctly. Is there anyway we can point the circle/batt mon widgets to look at where ever it is the status bar is getting its info? I use the heck out of this app and any information or help towards a resolution is greatly appriciated.
Someone got 1% incriments fixed on the X, and I think they're working on it for the 2. It should fix this issue if they get that working.

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