Benefits of Rooting

Using root explorer find system/build.prop and then the line: ro.sf.lcd_density=160

I took mine up to 190. Seems about right for me.

You may have removed some built in apps that could have been battery drainers..

Interesting about how you were able to change the display density after rooting.. didnt realize you could do that..

Sent from my DROID PRO using Tapatalk

Sent from my DROID PRO using DroidForums App
for those who rooted the droid pro, can u load clockwork recovery on it? a friend of mine has this phone and shes curious what she can do. ive rooted tons of other phones but not this one yet.

I know there arent any roms but I want to just simply root her phone, do a backup just in case and set her up with wifi tether
I believe you need to have the droid bootstrapper app installed before clockwork recovery will work but I have not done it myself.
The D2 Bootstrapper works for the Pro

for those who rooted the droid pro, can u load clockwork recovery on it? a friend of mine has this phone and shes curious what she can do. ive rooted tons of other phones but not this one yet.

I know there arent any roms but I want to just simply root her phone, do a backup just in case and set her up with wifi tether

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