Defrag or cleaning software ads for Note2?

Nov 3, 2010
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Currently have a Note2 that is way past my contract, but holding on to it as I don't want to purchase a new phone at the moment. I keep seeing adds everywhere about software that will speed up/clean up my Note2 and make it perform better. Is there such a software, or are these just ads for crap I don't need? My Note2 still functions ok, but it is rather sluggish.
Defrag is not recommended. You are better off doing an occasional Factory Reset to get performance back.
Just an FYI, you never want to click on "ads" that claim to speed up your device. Whether it's your phone, pc, tablet or what have you. These are often spam ads, that could download malware, or get your email and flood your acct with spam, so just ignore them.
I assume you've had your Note 2 for at least a couple years? If you want to speed it up, connect it to your pc and back everything up via KIES. If you can't connect to KIES (older Galaxy devices were really hit or miss)
then just make sure your contacts are backed up to Google, transfer all your music, pictures, files etc to either your pc, ext sd card, usb OTG or cloud storage. Then do a factory data reset as Jeffrey mentioned. This will give you a fresh start. If you don't want to go that far, you could always download CCleaner from the Play Store and use it to clean all your cache files. A FDR would be the better option in this case, but CC should help a bit. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

S5 tap'n
The only software I would trust for "cleaning" up a phone would be CleanMaster. I use it on my first generation Nexus 7 every once in awhile because I've seen molasses pour out faster than my tablet opens an app up. It really does help, but again, only app that "cleans" I would trust along with CCleaner (which I use on PC, but I do see they have it on Android).

+1 to what the others said, any ads promising a performance boost are usually garbage.
If your phone is slowing down it is definitely time to refresh the firmware with a factory restore. Either that or look into running a custom ROM on it. The Note 2 had a great developer following and there are a lot of great alternate firmwares out there for it.