Did verizon make an oops?


Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score
Beer Tent Capital of The World
Current Phone Model
Note 8
Was looking through wifi options and found this.... Not sure how to explain it...


Note 4tified
I noticed the same thing. It sure looks like an oversight to me.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Does look like an oops...
Do you connect to, (and have saved) any WiFi hotspot that is connected to an AT&T network or device?

S5 tap'n
Do you connect to, (and have saved) any WiFi hotspot that is connected to an AT&T network or device?

S5 tap'n
It's in their advance Wi-Fi settings menu, as in embedded in the firmware, not in the list of available Wi-Fi network .
I'm on AT&Tand theirs looks just like mine


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Beast Mode 4
That's funny. For all of the stalling, "certifying", and "testing" VZW claims these update have to go through, you'd think they'd catch something like that.

Interesting to assume that Samsung must've put that in there and failed to remove it or tweak it for the VZW version.

There's no such option on my 6P, so I have to guess that it's a deal/option that Samsung made.
I'm sure Verizon will release an OTA update. I will then have to FDR my phone....No thanks.
I think Verizon was planning on skipping this update all together but do to the backlash they decided to quickly push it out. I think they snagged the AT&T update quickly threw in some bloat and their boot animation and sent it out. No other way for that to get in there.

My guess is they won't own up to it saying that or they will push it off as a disgruntled employee or getting hacked. However now that I type if they were hacked I doubt they will ever own up to it. They will just push a quick update and not give an explanation.

But I can't recall a bigger #vzwfail than this one.....

Sent from my SM-P550 using Tapatalk
Imho, once you leave the store, you are on your own, and lucky to get any updates.
Imho, once you leave the store, you are on your own, and lucky to get any updates.
While I can see the logic in that, it's been policy for years now that devices have to be supported & supplied updates for a certain length of time. If memory serves, that's 18 months. The Note 4 is still in that timeframe.

Oems have to agree to that to use Google apps. (Play store, gmail, etc)

Sent from my Nexus 6P
Imho, once you leave the store, you are on your own, and lucky to get any updates.
I'm ok with not getting updates. My issue comes in with that the 5.0 update destroyed this phone. My feelings are if they forced something upon me that "ruined" the device it is only right they fix it.

Perhaps this is some major oops and AT&T and VZW are merging...... lol

Sent from my SM-P550 using Tapatalk
I think updates should come sooner rather than later, and they should be done correctly. You can always count on waiting forever, and there is always a problem when the updates finally download. Doesn't seem to matter which phone manufacture you have.