droid sets off store alarms?


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Has anyone else been accidentally setting off store alarms with their motorola droid as they walk in and out of stores that have magnetic security sensors? I haven't experimented with it much yet in fear of making a scene, but it's really quite annoying.
Interesting, I was going out of a Burlington coat factory with my wife and daughter and it went off, but I kept going and didn't correlate it. Will see if it occurs at other stores, but from recollection I don't believe so, had been all over a few malls for holiday shopping...
May have something to do with the magnet sensor that the Droid has.
Are you sure they aren't going off for OTHER reasons? *cough...cough* Ha ha lol just playing with you, that's weird I don't think I've experienced this, or at least haven't noticed it.
since the release date ive never incountered this problem how ever maybe if you walk real close to the sensor with maybe your phone in your pocket it could, but rarely if so.
This was happening to me while Christmas shopping. I set off half the stores in the mall. I kept waiting to get tackled by security. Anyone have any idea what would cause this? Definitely need a fix.
Never had my Droid set off an alarm...Sidearm Yes.....Droid NO.....
May have something to do with the magnet sensor that the Droid has.

Magnets don't set off store alarms. A circuit board can though, if it has traces of just the right length. That's most likely it. I haven't had it happen though. Some of the early alarms would trigger from car remotes easily, but I suspect like everything else they keep refining them to avoid false alarms.
Had it happen to me the night I got my phone. LP Guy at BB said to me when I set anti theft alarm off "Oh, don't worry about it. Your Droid set it off." Like it was common or something. I totally forgot about it til just now.
hell... even john mayer does it

I had a pair of shoes that would set off every store alarm I walked in/out of. Can't remember the brand (Thom McCan maybe?). But it was quite annoying. I have yet to experience this with the DROID.