Firefox 4 Now Available With Great PC Sync Capabilities

This browser is garbage.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
I won't use it until they fix two things: Flash and pinch zoom to fit screen where you can actually read the text.

What I really like about it is the fact it syncs with my Firefox 4.0 browser and my bookmarks are now on the TB.
Didn't work for me on my Droid 1, will try again when I get a faster phone.
Bogged my D2 down like I've never seen before...poor thing :(

Mozilla needs to get on the ball already. This is just pathetic. They make an excellent PC browser but hands down the worst android browser.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
it's funny b/c these complaints are all similar to their first beta, if I remember correctly, and that was what, a year or so ago?
Here's hoping firefox 4 b blocks all second party tool bars. I'm tired of looking for the check box for do not install third party stuff

Be careful updating to Firefox 4.0 on your PC if you have Norton and like the Norton toolbar and the search site ratings. You will lose the toolbar and the ability to see the Norton rating for search sites. I updated to 4.0 and had it for a day before I uninstalled it and reverted to 3.6.16, at least until the Norton problem is solved. Norton does still protect you against malware, but does not give advance notice. I'll wait a bit longer for 4.0 until I am sure that there are no other problems.

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