for your enjoyment and ease....

it may or may not be. If I get bored or what not I may do another. I can't promise anything. Tho. But I still have 2 d1's lol

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Any chance of a bluetooth icon that is blue when connected? I'm sure these were out as a standalone at one time, just thought I'd check here. I have most of my stuff on the ics flavor now...looking sweet!
I don't care if the bones are old...they're good bones...just want to make it look newer.
Ics flavor? How did you do that?

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I'm guessing Ozzie finally figured out themeing and .made him self an ics theme ;)

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Nice thought, but it's more like researching and cobbling things together until I get something I like...
I did find a number of bluetooth metamorphs...white, red, blue, etc.
Those are pretty if I could figure out how to alter the color to ICS I'd be set.

It is getting pretty close though...:blink:
Change the color of the PNG with gimp or Photoshop!

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