Frg83g... ? 2.2.2


Team Sourcery
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego CA
I know we are all waiting for GB.. but there is a possible Froyo update roaming out there... can our developers put their hands on it.. ?

Some more info here

:icon_ banana:
regarding the update.

I know we are all waiting for GB.. but there is a possible Froyo update roaming out there... can our developers put their hands on it.. ?

Some more info here

:icon_ banana:

this source for2.0.0 wsa jsut synced so the latest stuff is there.
the 83g stuff is the gapps which have also ben uploaded to the latest.
the thing floating around is only available through a paid app as far as i have seen but am monitoring to see if the gapps show up and are any differnet.

but they are the same as the nexus that have been out for a while so am thinking we already have tose apps in out gapps for 2.0 but am monitoring.
jsut checked on all source still says 2.2.1

not sure where they are getting this 2.2.2 but it may be an internel verizon thing i dont know but im sure well have more features than a verizon ota

Ok 2.2.2 did show up on git. attempting reposync at this time if it does not merge well
than i will have to start over from source . I will be able to maunally merged some stuff which will speed things up but either way this will delay release some but hopefully not too long. wish i knew what exactly 2.2.2 added :)
This is what I have been able to figure out during extensive research on this matter, mind you I am site there has to be more but allow me to share:
It appears that they have turned the 1 after the second decimal into a 2.
I can guarantee this after hours in the lab, it is the one indisputable change I have found.
So by applying the Colbert theory on numerology 2 is better than 1
And 3 is the magic number
Good work Eagle, i hope its worth the trouble. As much as i want to see 2.0 already i know it should be based on the most recent Froyo.
ok chizzle you owe me 14 hours of my life back :)

I know we are all waiting for GB.. but there is a possible Froyo update roaming out there... can our developers put their hands on it.. ?

Some more info here

:icon_ banana:

ok except for a couple features that dont take much time other than to find them again. Sourcery 2.0 is restored from scratch to 2.2.2
I could not get it to merge i hear github does that well so i will have to look into that for the future because this rebuilding from scratch is getting tiring but im getting good at it :)
I know we are all waiting for GB.. but there is a possible Froyo update roaming out there... can our developers put their hands on it.. ?

Some more info here

:icon_ banana:

ok except for a couple features that dont take much time other than to find them again. Sourcery 2.0 is restored from scratch to 2.2.2
I could not get it to merge i hear github does that well so i will have to look into that for the future because this rebuilding from scratch is getting tiring but im getting good at it :)

14 hours for rebuilding from scratch ahh... you are quick.. we should talk about some more programing work i have a need for.. :icon_ banana:

Kidding aside.. im sure you would rather dealing with this now versos publishing 2.0 and then redoing it... i'm sure you wouldn't feel good knowing there is a more recent Froyo out there and its not in Sourcery
yeah its a leak of an updating coming for the droid

Does it work on OG
I thought they and TBH were done with us

But until that leaks out you have to buy there app to get it than its just stock verizon droid with the update. and from what i have seen or rather not seen i think its mainly another update to try to break rooting. I did see metnion of a fix for the random mms messages but i never had that occur. someone mentioned better 3g but i see that mentioned with evrey update and its not a radio update so im doubting that one.

But what i am interested in is for people to try the throttleing thing with it. I dont think that did anything great sice i dont see any talk about it anymore but i have a feeling that would be something verizon would would be willing to put out an update for.
I had heard that they were no longer developing for the OG Droid, I may have been misinformed as it was told to me by none other than Glenn Beck.
OOOOOO how bout a Glenn Beck ROM, tells you the wrong time, makes up number of missed calls and every screen image and animation could be something tasteful, ya know like Hitler and NAZIs marching.