Gingerbread Theme Resource Thread

Not to beat a dead horse ... but I am even more baffled ...

I just tried to invert the new Gmail figuring it would be an epic fail being how I can't even get the images to change. Much to my surprise it worked lol

I've never attempted to invert an app before but here it is if anyone wants it.
You can either extract the apk or flash the .zip.

Yank, that's AWESOME!! Thank you!

no problem ... now if I can only figure out how to get my stinking images in there!!! lol
You probably did this already, but if you didn't...
If the market updated the app, go into it and uninstall the update. Sounds like that may be your problem. And thanks for the inversion!

Oh, and if there is a V4 hdpi folder and a regular hdpi folder, put your pngs in both, I for get which one it reads from first.

Sent from 1885
You probably did this already, but if you didn't...
If the market updated the app, go into it and uninstall the update. Sounds like that may be your problem. And thanks for the inversion!

Oh, and if there is a V4 hdpi folder and a regular hdpi folder, put your pngs in both, I for get which one it reads from first.

Sent from 1885

Got it ... thanks! There is a drawable-hdpi-v9 that need images changed as well.
You probably did this already, but if you didn't...
If the market updated the app, go into it and uninstall the update. Sounds like that may be your problem. And thanks for the inversion!

Oh, and if there is a V4 hdpi folder and a regular hdpi folder, put your pngs in both, I for get which one it reads from first.

Sent from 1885

Got it ... thanks! There is a drawable-hdpi-v9 that need images changed as well.

Yank, I just finished loading up your Gmail after theming it with my images. Although my images took just fine, it's not actually inverted. Any ideas?
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Sorry, I realize after looking at ecsnead69 (a true inverter) that mine fails miserably! Sorry to have mislead ... but I was running a version of Gmail that was called "Inverted" and it looked just like the one I posted. That's why I posted it ... again, sorry for the confusion.

Anyhow, that was 2.3.4 which has been pulled anyway.
Gmail Update Pulled From Android Market Due to Stability Issues | Android Phone Fans
Well everybody, I was about 95% done with the new gmail, then they went and updated... I will get back on it tomorrow....
I don't have an update for gmail... can someone link it in here?... thx

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Thanks Yank!....

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so i finish gmail and i see this.. i hate google.
Smali is the most frustrating thing to edit!!!!... lol. On the 2 edits I made it compiled up fine but fc's when I open the app.... ugh!!!!!... haha.. I'll work on it some more tomorrow....

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