Gingerbread Theme Resource Thread

Before Ginger bread, I found resources pointing me in the proper direction on how to theme each part of the framework.

Now I am running the leak GB on my Droid X.

The statusbar xmls have changed and using a post from page 3 shown me.

I can change the ticker, clock, date, and status bar event in the values.xml. Plus the options menu, and the expanded options menu.

I am not sure where to change the headers. Example. Verizon Wireless, Ongoing Notification, Priority, Notifications, Clear.

Was hoping some of you experienced themers could point me in the right direction. I am currently trying to find these so I can help wugport with possibly incorporating a way to choose the colors you would like while porting a theme using his port utility. I found that as long as I find the change locations, then once it is themed once, then the colors could be changed by a simple hex edit to resources.arsc or if an individual xml controls these, then that xml would be a simple hex edit.

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A lot of the status bar and pull down things are located in the SystemUI.apk in /system/app. Look in res / layout / status_bar and status_bar_expanded. That should either have the colors accessible or point to where at it pulls the colors from in the framework / res / values / styles xml. Just depends on the rom. I haven't any experience with the Dx Gingerbread, but I just picked one up today and am in the middle of rooting it. I will be porting my theme to it soon... :D Hope this will help you out.

PS> This is assuming that you have the ability to decompile the app. I have never bothered to use a Hex editor as I generally theme many different things in the app and just prefer to have it all layed out in English for me to mess with.
Sure you can decompile SystemUI.apk. You just need to install the framework first.

From command prompt in a directory that also has framework-res.apk


Java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk

Then decompile the apk. Worked like a charm.

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